Danube-INCO.NET was a FP7 funded coordination and support action for the official EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) in the field of research and innovation. Whereas the EUSDR addresses a wide variety of priority areas (ranging from PA 1A „Mobility/Waterways” to PA 11 „Security“), Danube -INCO.NET focused mainly on two of them: PA 7 „Knowledge Society“ and PA 8 „Competitiveness“. The project supports the policy dialogue, creates networks, analyses, and supports research and innovation (R&I) activities.
By joining forces from 19 project partners under the coordination of the Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI), Danube -INCO.NET was seeking to overcome obstacles hindering the social and economic development of the Danube region. The project lasted 36 months, resulting in events, publications and policy recommendations related to R&I cooperation in the Danube Region and several sustainble results: https://danube-inco.net/about/projectresults
More information is available on our website www.danube-inco.net and via the newsletter (which is being continued beyond the project lifetime thanks to a grant of the Austrian Ministry for Science, Research and the Economy.
Further information on the issue is available from:
DG Regio website: EU Strategy for the Danube Region - EU Regional Policy
EUSDR group spaces www.danube-region.eu
- Lisa Bliberger
- DI Martin Felix Gajdusek
- DI Dietmar Lampert
- DI Stefan Philipp
- M.A. Constantin Scherer
- M.A. Gábor Szüdi, PhD
- Magª. Elke Dall (project leader)
- Ing. Bernhard Bauch
- Mag. Philipp Brugner, BA
- Ingmar Karner
- Mag. Ines Marinkovic
- Magª. Désirée Pecarz
- Mag. Dr. Klaus Schuch
- Dipl-Übers. Carmen Siller
Section: Research Policy & Development
- Academy of Sciences of Moldova - Centre of International Projects
- Austrian Research Promotion Agency
- Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung
- Central European Initiative - Executive Secretariat
- Deutsches Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
- EKO-SUSTAV waste management LTD
- European Commission - Joint Research Centre - Institute for Prospective Technology Studies
- Institute of Market Problems and Economic-Ecological Researches of NASU
- Mihajlo Pupin Institute
- Ministry for Higher Education, Science and Technology of Slovenia
- Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina
- National Authority for Scientific Research in Romania
- Project Management Agency at the DLR (German Aerospace Center)
- Regional Centre for Information and Scientific Development Ltd
- Steinbeis Innovations GmbH
- University of Novi Sad
- University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”
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- Event: Danube Region Synergy Workshop: Research - Innovation - Knowledge Society
- Publication: Promoting innovation in transition countries: A trajectory for smart specialisation
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- Publication: Financial, legal and administrative management of INCO-NET projects. Difficulties, solutions and recommendations for the future
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- News: 1st Policy Dialogue & EUSDR PAs’ Cross-fertilisation Workshop held
- Project: Danube-INCO.NET (extended)
- Event: Energy Networking4Innovation
- News: Der Streit um mehr Geld
Type: Networks
Program: FP7
Project Status: Finished
Start/End: 01/2014 - 06/2017
Project Duration: 42 months
Website: https://www.danube-inco.net