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Expert workshop on accessibility, mobility and ICT solutions held in Bonn!
MyAccessible.EU project invites experts to Bonn

As part of the EU project 'MyAccessible.EU' our second expert workshop took place in Bonn, Germany on 9th September, 2016. Several members of our external advisory board participated in this one-...

BM Johanna Wanka diskutiert mit Josef Hochgerner über soziale Innovation
Innovationen für die Gesellschaft – Neue Wege und Methoden zur Entfaltung des Potenzials sozialer Innovationen

Um Soziale Innovationen kümmern sich in Deutschland eine Vielzahl an Initiativen und Communities. Seit gestern treffen sie sich auf Einladung der Sozialforschungsstelle der TU Dortmund und des ITAS bei...

COST Bestprac targeted network: open call for short term missions

COST Bestprac is delighted to announce the call for standard STSMs (Standard Short Term Scientific Missions), with a closing date for applications of 1st October 2016. Applicants who are early stage...

ilse Marschalek über Methoden der BürgerInnenbeteiligung in einem Ö1 Beitrag zum Thema Soziokratie

Egal in welcher Gruppe, ob beruflich oder privat, die Entscheidungsfindung ist häufig keine leichte. Entweder bestimmt eine Person allein, was zu geschehen hat, oder die Diskussionen drehen sich endlos...

European MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on the challenges of the labour market

An interdisciplinary team of experts offers a free online course on the changing world of work. The course has been developed in the context of the European project EmployID and has already been successfully...

Einladung zur Konferenz: Public Engagement for Research, Practice and Policy
Exploring Policy Options for Responsible Research, Sustainability and Innovation

Diese Policy Konferenz ist eine gemeinsame Veranstaltung der Projekte 'Public Engagement Innovation for Horizon 2020 - PE2020' und 'Public Participation in Developing a Common Framework for Assessment...

This report aims to identify difficulties that hamper an active Brazilian participation in the FP7 and H2020 programms.

This report aims to identify the major barriers and difficulties that hamper a more active Brazilian participation in the European Union’s FP7 and Horizon 2020 programms. It also discusses the incentives...

The international consortia INCOBRA launched in August one of its main tool of communication

The international consortia INCOBRA launched in August one of its main tool of communication: a website to introduce the project´s objectives and expected impacts in focusing, increasing and enhancing...

An initiative of the SIC - Social Innovation Community - project

For four days you are invited to attend top-class lectures on the topics of ‘municipalities and cultural change’, ‘the role of intermediaries on urban social innovation’, ‘development of urban social ...

Two regions in the search of the right questions and their answers

The 2nd EULAC-FOCUS partner event took place in Berlin, from 28th to 31st August 2016. Close to 50 invited guests and 30 project partners and transectorial board members took part in the meeting where...

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