News Filter
With more than 90 participants from 13 European countries, the PROLEARN Thematic Workshop on Social Software demonstrated the high topicality for Technology Enhanced Learning. In cooperation with the project iCamp the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, the Arts and Culture and the PRO-LC, the workshop took place on the 2nd of March 2007 in the historical rooms of the ministry at the Freyung ...
The ‘Information Office of the Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries’ has published country reports reviewing the situation of Science and Technology in the region.The reports are a compilation of main papers published by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), the Southeast European Era-Net (SEE-ERA.NET), the Austrian ‘Gesellschaft zur...
The CSI is implementing the European Citizens´Consultations in Austria.For further information please refer to:
Beim mittlerweile dritten "Call for Proposals" der Austrian Science and Research Liaison Offices (ASOs) Ljubljana und Sofia zur Forschungskooperation, Anbahnung und Netzwerkbildung mit Südosteuropa gab es insgesamt 20 Projekteinreichungen (Deadline für die Einreichungen war der 9. Februar 2007). Es beteiligten sich in den Projekten 74 wissenschaftliche Institutionen aus Österreich, Slowenien, Bulgarien...
12. Feb. 2007
elderly journal 01/2007
Lesen Sie die erste Ausgabe von elderly journal elektronisch oder bestellen Sie Ihr eigenes druckfrisches Exemplar per Email bei Auf 8 Seiten finden Sie aktuelle Informationen über die Aktivitäten innerhalb der Entwicklungspartnerschaft TEP_EQUAL_ELDERLY. Unsere Februar-Themen "Alt sein" am ArbeitsmarktBegegnung ...
Applications to participate in the competition among innovative social projects may be submitted until February 15, 2007. The award ceremony will take place in the ORF - RadioKulturhaus on May 1, 2007. More information:
Using Social Software for Technology Enhanced Learning The workshop is designed to serve as a forum for all research areas related to Social Software and its use in Technology Enhanced Learning. The meeting, which is the 4th thematic workshop of PROLEARN and organized in cooperation with the project iCamp the Austrian Ministry of Education, Science and Culture and the PRO-LC, will provide unique networking...
Am 17. Januar startete der Lehrgang SOQUA für sozialwissenschaftliche Berufsqualifizierung. Insgesamt 44 Graduierte haben sich für die Teilnahme qualifiziert und werden eineinhalb Jahre lang in angewandter sozialwissenschaftlicher Forschung geschult. Die TeilnehmerInnen wurden von einer Jury ausgewählt. Zur Eröffnung lud das Wissenschaftsministerium in den Audienzsaal. „Der Lehrgang SOQUA vermittelt...
The Third Forum Meeting, Improving cross-sector and multi-level collaboration will be held at the Hotel Penta - Renaissance in Vienna, Austria on 1 – 2 March 2007. Local partnerships operate in a vertical and horizontal matrix: at their best they are able to work across sectors and align regional, national and supranational policies to develop integrated approaches to tackling complex problems on ...
The Austrian Science and Research Liaison Office in Brno (ASO Brno) announces for the year 2007 a call for proposals for research co-operations. Each project partnership must include at least one research institution from Austria and the Czech Republic. Besides, at least one research institution from countries where the ASOs operates (Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia and Bulgaria), from Romania or from...
Die AEI - Agentur für europäische Integration und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung sucht eine/n Projektmanager/in im Bereich Hochschulreform, Wissenschaft und Innovation für den Kosovo im Auftrag der ADA sowie des kosovarischen und des österreichischen Bildungsministeriums. Bewerbungen sind bis 31.1.2007 ausschließlich an die AEI zu richten!(s. download-folder).
iCamp First Trials were launched on October 18th 2006, Wednesday, with a videoconference (Flashmeeting). It was a relatively large-scale meeting with about 40 participants, including four facilitators, local site coordinators and students from Istanbul, Tallinn, Kaunas and Wrocklaw. Some project members from other countries attended the meeting as well. The trials will take place between October 2006...
On November 30, fourteen European countries including all Western Balkan countries jointly published a Call for Proposals. This call for proposals is a pilot case for the cooperation of the participating countries in the field of research funding. The design of the call is based on research on the priorities and needs of the Western Balkan countries with a view to their better integration into the...
In the series of PROLEARN FlashMeetings on Gap Analysis for the ProLearn Roadmap, we're happy to invite you for a LOMI workshop on the theme of: "Everyone should be able to learn anything at anytime at anyplace.” In this workshop, we will discuss this vision, how to realize it, what impedes it, where it is already a reality, why it will never happen, or whatever else you think about it... This...
The Centre for Social Innovation invited three well-known experts to provide practical proposals for measures concerning major social issues: Work in medical (home) care; basic income; tax on assets.Short proposals on what should be done, who should benefit, and how financial requirements can be met, are being drafted by the experts - others are invited to comment in a workshop-type event on November...
Im Netzwerk TEP_EQUAL_ELDERLY werden regionale Lösungen für die Zielgruppe der Älteren entwickelt. Das Pakte-Grünbuch Ältere ist im Rahmen eines Entwicklungsprozesses mit Expertinnen und Experten aus Wissenschaft und Praxis entstanden. Das Thema „Ältere und Arbeitsmarkt“ wurde primär aus den Blickwinkeln Wirtschaftspolitik, Sozialpolitik und Bildungspolitik betrachtet. Auf Grundlage des vorliegenden...
Senior social science expert with ideally experience in the implementation, monitoring and/or evaluation of an international Joint Call for proposals in the field of Research and Technology Development RTD. Duties and Responsibilities The incumbent’s tasks are as follows: 1) Develop a scheme suitable to assess the performance of the procedures under which the Pilot Joint Call of an Era-Net (network...
Der letzte Tag beim ZSI-Kongress kann auch online besucht werden. Mittels flashmeeting werden Bild und Ton der Abschlussrunde auf folgender Adresse live zugänglich gemacht. Um live dabei zu sein brauchen Sie einen Computer mit Soundkarte, flash Version 7 und eingeschalteten Lautsprecher. Eigene Kamera auf Ihrer Seite ist nicht erforderlich - so Sie aber darüber verfügen, können Sie sich auch bildlich...
You may participate in the ZSI-Congress online via flashmeeting at the following addresses: Live, 9 a.m. until 12.30, 1.30 p.m. until 6.30 p.m. Recordings will be available after the conference at (morning sessions)http://...
The Centre for Social Innovation initiated, together with "SozialMarie - Award for innovative social projects", a week of various events promoting the concept and practices of social innovation from Oct. 9 - 13, 2006.Conferences, workshops, public debates etc. will take place in Vienna, whereby due to the deliberate intention to develop local competencies and to build on existing knowledge and experience...
Amir Fazlagic, a former Marie Curie Fellow at the ZSI (Centre for Social Innovation) in Vienna, has published a new book on 'Intellectual Capital and Benchmarking'.Content:- Benchmarking as a Management Concept- Introduction to Intellectual Capital- Intellectual Capital Measurement- Intellectual Capital Reporting- Defintions The book has been published by Rys STUDIO, Poznan (Poland).ISBN 83-60517-...
The project Information Office of the Steering Platform on Research for Western Balkan countries (WBCs) has published its second the eJournal "fall 06". The Information Office aims to be a source of high quality targeted information on research in the Western Balkan countries through a regular eJournal, analytical studies, reports and directories. It contributes to a dialogue on S&...
The international Professional Training Facts 2006 conference will demonstrate how information and communication technologies are already used for professional training and give foresights and forecasts for upcoming IT solutions in this area. The conference will focus on the issue of requirements, challenges, solutions, and experiences in the area of professional training. Speakers from companies ...
The Austrian Science and Research Liaison Offices in Bratislava, Brno, Budapest and Kosice are organizing on 5 December 2006 a "Central European Science Day" in Bratislava. The ASO Brno is coordinated by the ZSI. Aims of the Science Day are to initiate the discussions among researchers, to network researchers with common interests, to help establish cooperation at multilateral, inter-/transdisciplinary...
The Western Balkan Region – in the broader sense South Eastern Europe – is an important European region for Austria not only commercially but also due to existing scientific collaboration and related issues. Both the historical and social relations, and the massive investments of Austrian companies, are deepening and intensifying co-operation in the field of science and research. The Westbalkan Science...
Sind die anderen wirklich fremd? war der Titel einer Lehrveranstaltung der heurigen vierten KinderuniWien im Themenschwerpunkt Demokratie. Bilder von In- und AusländerInnen regten eine Diskussion über Migration, demokratische Rechte und Toleranz an. Kurze Lebensgeschichten von anwesenden AusländerInnen einschließlich eines Asylwerbers vermittelten den Kindern reale Erfahrungen, wozu sie ihrerseits...
There are many areas where international co-ordination of science policies could help to cope with challenges of globalised world. One of these globally agreed challenges are the UN Millennium Development Goals. The panel organised by ZSI is grounded on the rationale that promotion of economic and social development in a sustainable way on a global level can be effective and successful only if it ...
The ZSI introduces legs as facilitators of mental work and knowledge management: 35 colleagues participated in the first ever ZSI Knowledge-Trail (June 29-30, 2006). In reality we discovered new ways to creatively debate on topics like innovation, research, design and utilisation of knowledge processes. The degree of knowing each other increased - actually needed in spite of four international office...
3. Jul. 2006
Education in "News"
The NEWS Magazin published a special edition on "The New Europe" last week. It featured a comprehensive article on Austrian education and research co-operation with Central and Southeast Europe. Two ZSI-projects have been referred to:(a) the study on "Research and Development in South East Europe", published by the Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Forschung (b) the Southeast European ERA.NET(SEE-ERA...
Janez Potocnik, European Commissioner for Research and Science addressed the participants of the Launch Event which took place on 26th June, 2006 in Vienna by acknowledging SEE-ERA.NET, coordinated by Peter Mayr at the Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI): “I cannot stress enough how important is the coordination of national policies that help creating synergies. I count on SEE-ERA.NET to continue to...
Starthilfe für Integration südosteurop. Forscher in den EU-Wissenschaftsbetrieb

Europas Forschungslandschaft ist von Vielfältigkeit gekennzeichnet, und Arbeiten in Netzwerken gehört für EU-Forscher zum Alltag. "Anders sieht die Situation aber in den West-Balkanländern aus, denn dort...

Starthilfe für Integration südosteurop. Forscher in den EU-Wissenschaftsbetrieb

Europas Forschungslandschaft ist von Vielfältigkeit gekennzeichnet, und Arbeiten in Netzwerken gehört für EU-Forscher zum Alltag. "Anders sieht die Situation aber in den West-Balkanländern aus, denn dort...

The Austrian „Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Forschung“ (GFF) published a book on „Research and Development in South East Europe“ – based on a collaborative research project between the Austrian Research Centers systems research GmbH, the Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI) and the Institute of Economic Geography and GIScience of the University of Economics and Business Administration in Vienna.The...
On 22 May 2006, the project coordinators of the first ASO-Call for Proposals of the Austrian Science and Research Liaison Offices Sofia and Ljubljana presented their project results in Vienna at the premises of the Austrian Ministry for Education, Science and Culture.The project aims were to enhance scientific cooperation, to exchange ideas and research results and to launch initiatives for future...
The Centre for Social Innovation was awarded a new Specific Support Action under the INCO Programme in the 6th Framework Programme. The “Information Office of the Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries” has started its operations on May 1, 2006 and supports the Steering Platform which will be launched under the Austrian Presidency in the very near future. The Information Office...
Focus on social innovation The Centre for Social innovation initiates together with "SozialMarie" (Award for innovative social projects) a week of activities to promote social innovation. Whereas usually "innovation" is considered a concept pre-dominantly attached to technological and industrial processes, in this week attention shall be focused on innovation in societal processes. However, neither...
Am 31. 5., 19 Uhr, findet eine Wiener Vorlesung statt, die in Zusammenarbeit mit dem ZSI geplant und gestaltet wurde. Ort: Altes Rathaus, 1010 Wien, Wipplingerstr. 8Programm: siehe attachment. Im Rahmen dieser Veranstaltung wird das Buch "Die Wahrheit liegt im Feld" - hgg. von Hubert C. Ehalt, Josef Hochgerner, Wilhelm Hopf - vorgestellt, das im LIT-Verlag anlässlich des 65. Geburtstags von Roland...
22. May: Heike Wagner Gender and Migration 26 May: Márton Holzcer Information Society in Hungarymore information: 12 June: Stehphen Downes eLearning 2.0 - beyond the buzzfor more information pls. go
Eine ZSI-Studie mit Fakten korrigiert BMI Prokop‘s Aussagen zur angeblichen Integrationsunwilligkeit von Muslimen: In einem internationalen Vergleich europäischer Städte wird Integration in Wien am stärksten behindert und damit auch am meisten auf die berühmte lange Bank geschoben.vgl. Der Standard, 16. Mai 2006, Seite 3
Am 1. Mai 2006 fand im RadioKulturhaus des ORF (Argentinierstr. 30a) zum zweiten Mal die Verleihung eines Preises für innovative Sozialprojekte statt. Der Preis wird seit 2005 jährlich von der Unruhe Privatstiftung vergeben, er ist wie folgt dotiert:1. Preis 15.000,- €2. Preis 10.000,- €3. Preis 5.000,- €12 weitere Anerkennungspreise werden in Höhe von jeweils 1.000,- € verliehen, sodass insgesamt...
Konferenz des EDEN-Netzwerks

Im Rahmen der österreichischen EU-Präsidentschaft findet die mittlerweile bereits 15. internationale Konferenz des EDEN-Netzwerks (European Distance and E-Learning Network) in Wien statt. Auf ...

Das Austrian Science and Research Liaison Office Brno (ASO Brno) schrieb für 2006 ein Programm zur Förderung nachhaltiger Kooperationen in den zwei Themenbereichen "Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften" sowie "Nachhaltigkeit und Nachhaltige Entwicklung" (Umweltsystemforschung, Umweltforschung und Umwelttechnologieentwicklung) aus. Das Programm soll dazu beitragen, bestehende bi- und multilaterale Forschungskooperationen...
The Austrian Science and Research Liaison Offices Ljubljana and Sofia (ASOs) have evaluated project proposals received under their second call for research cooperation and networking between Austria and South Eastern Europe - Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro (including Kosovo). Funding is provided by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, ...
The Austrian Development Agency supports the establishment of a Business Start-Up Centre at the Kyrill and Method University in Skopje. The Centre is hosted by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. The first phase of the project has a duration of two years. The project has been established in consultation with the ZSI.
Das Zentrum für Soziale Innovation (ZSI) sucht für Verwaltung und Sekretariat eine neue Kollegin / einen neuen Kollegen Dienstort: ZSI, 1150 WienAusmaß der Anstellung: 25 StundenEintrittsmöglichkeit: sofort Aufgaben 1. Klassische Sekretariatsagenden Zuarbeiten für die FinanzadministrationMaterialverwaltung/BestellungenPosteingang/AusgangUnterstützung bei Projektadministration (Kopierarbeiten, Versand...
Das Zentrum für Soziale Innovation (ZSI) sucht für Verwaltung und Sekretariat eine neue Kollegin / einen neuen Kollegen Dienstort: ZSI, 1150 WienAusmaß der Anstellung: 40 StundenEintrittsmöglichkeit: Mai 2006 Aufgaben 1. FinanzadministrationBelegerfassung und Vorkontierung (Schnittstelle zur externen Buchhaltung)Zahlungsverkehr und KontenüberprüfungVorbereitung von Audits/ProjektabrechnungenFührung...
24. Feb. 2006
Book presentation
The Integration of Central Europe into the European System of Research by Klaus Schuch, published by Guthmann-Peterson
First Announcement and Call for Participation VENUE:Bled, Slovenia DATE:June 5th - 9th, 2006 OBJECTIVES:Building on its first success in 2005, PROLEARN, the Network of Excellence in Technology Enhanced Learning for Professionals, is pleased to announce its Summer School 2006. Our ambition is to foster cross-domain training and collaboration opportunities among researchers in Europe and beyond, working...
A new book for RTD managers, scientists and policy makers interested in international S&T developments has just been published! Title: The Integration of Central Europe into the European System of Research - An empirical study of the participation of Central European Countries in the 4th and 5th European Framework Programme for RTDAuthor: Klaus SchuchPublishing House: Guthmann-Peterson, Wien and Müllheim...
25. Jan. 2006
SozialMarie 2006
The Centre for Social Innovation assits to bring the award "SozialMarie", honouring innovative and creative social projects, on its way again. The award has been initiated and assigned last year by the Unruhe Private Foundation. Most relevant eligibility criteria: New and currently active projects with accountable social impact, carried out by a broad range of non-profit organisations, public and ...
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