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A broad consortium consisting of 18 partners from 11 different countries will start implementing in February 2009 the EU-funded ERA Net project for Russia (ERA.Net RUS). Austrian participants in the project are the Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI) and the Federal Ministry of Science and Research (BMWF). ZSI is involved especially in the analytical parts of the project. It is leader of work-package...
The newsletter informs about News concerning gender and migration related issues. Below both in German and English.
Contracted by GFF - Society for the Promotion of Research, ZSI together with Systems Research der Austrian Research Centers (ARC/sr)conducted a study on corporate as well as public governance models of large research and technology organisations (RTOs). The selection of RTOs was driven by:* RTOs of national significance* Interaction with public decision makers* Identification of good-practice-models...
Joint European Summer School on Technology Enhanced Learning 2009VENUE: Terchova, SlovakiaDATE: May 30 - June 6, 2009DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: March 16th, 2009 More details see enclosure or atsummer-school-2009 ZSI as member of (STELLAR), the Network of Excellence in Technology Enhanced Learning (building on the achievements of the previous PROLEARN and KALEIDOSCOPE NoE) and (ROLE), the EU ICT TEL...
Am 19. und 20. Jänner 2009 markierte eine Eröffnungstagung in Paris den offiziellen Start des European Research Area Net (ERA-NET) mit Indien, New INDIGO. Das Projekt verfolgt das Ziel, den indischen und europäischen Forschungsraum zu vernetzen und die Basis für die zukünftige Zusammenarbeit im Forschungsbereich zu legen. Indien ist in den letzten Jahren nicht nur politisch und wirtschaftlich, sondern...
the iCamp handbook “How to use Social Software in Higher Education” has been released recently. It can be downloaded from the attachment here and from the following link: It is a very practical guide for how to use social software in educational settings. The examples are derived from the iCamp trials, which took place in different...
WINS-ICT aims to strengthen S&T cooperation between the EU and the Western Balkan countries by deepening the bi-regional strategic relations in the field of ICT and promoting the participation of WBICT research actors in FP 7. The main output of the project will be an improved policy dialogue in the field of ICT, reflecting the WBCs needs and priorities in future ICT Work Programmes and thus providing...
2nd Call for proposals of the Austrian Science and Research Liaison Offices Ljubljana and Sofia for projects in Research Cooperation and Networking between Austria, the public higher education institutions in Kosovo and South Eastern Europe (In the framework of the "Multidimensional Project for the Implementation of an Institutionalised Partnership between Austria and Kosovo in the Field of Higher...
"In Washington President Obama has announced that he will have an Office of Social Innovation in the White House. In Europe President Barroso and several of his commissioners are taking part in a two-day event to rethink how Europe supports and accelerates social innovation." source: According...
Partnerships are recognised as valuable and essential policy instrument and practice with which policy outcomes of Operational Programmes, policies and actions can be enhanced. Thus, eight EU Member States joined forces and established the learning network "Community of Practice on Partnership in the ESF" (in short COP). The COP is lead by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour with...
A ZSI-Lecture, held by Bernhard Elias, is now available in the form of a "ZSI Discussion Paper" (44 p.) - however, in German only. A short glimpse of the content in English (abstract): Increasing pressures to utilise scientific knowledge and research economicly pertain to all domains of science, particularly including social sciences aiming at efficacy and impact in society. In fact, this is not new...
Studie zu Strategien der Internationalisierung von S&T in Südostasien veröffentlicht. Am 19. und 20. November trafen mehr als 130 politische Entscheidungsträger und Wissenschafter aus Südostasien und der EU in Paris zusammen, um sich über bestehende und zukünftige bi-regionale Kooperationen im Wissenschafts- und Technologiebereich (S&T) auszutauschen. Bei dieser Konferenz wurde ein Consultation Paper...
Das vom ZSI koordinierte Forschungsprojekt iCamp, das sich mit dem Einsatz innovativer Lernszenarien in Kombination mit Social Software beschäftigt, wurde jetzt von ICT Results mit einem großen Artikel gewürdigt. ICT Results ist das IKT Portal der Europäischen Kommission, auf dem über neueste Entwicklungen aus dem IKT Programm berichtet wird. Der vollständige Artikel kann unter folgendem link aufgerufen...
Successful coordinators of projects already started in FP7 were awarded Austrian Champions of European Research by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency, FFG. This event took place the second time (first award show: April 2008). ZSI was represented by two co-ordinators of new projects. Out of a total of 85 FP7-project co-ordinated by Austrian organisations, five were allotted to ZSI. Together with...
Projects carried out by NGOs, public administrations, or business enterprises are invited to apply for this award until February 13th, 2009. The awards show will take place - for the fifth time - at ORF premises ("RadioKulturhaus") on May 1st, 2009. Application: For direct information please contact Ms. Maria ReichmannTel: (0043.1) 587 71 81Mail: so...
Anfang Dezember 2008 wurden die Europäischen Bürgerkonferenzen 2009 offiziell mit 27 nationalen Websites in Brüssel eröffnet. Bürgerinnen und Bürger aus ganz Europa sind damit eingeladen, bis März 2009 Vorschläge zur Zukunft Europas online einzubringen. Gesucht wird nach Antworten auf die Frage: "Wie kann die EU die wirtschaftliche und soziale Zukunft in einer globalisierten Welt gestalten?" Bringen...
Das Regierungsprogramm von SPÖ und ÖVP für die Periode 2009-2013 hat im Vergleich zu früheren Koalitionsvereinbarungen mehr Seiten für FTI gewidmet und berührt durchaus einige der Ziele, die wir in unseremReformkatalog formuliert oder zumindest auch enthalten hatten. D.h. es gibt trotz teilweise anderer Formulierung das Gefühl undbescheidene Hoffnung, dass unser vielseitges Argumentieren doch einen...
Finden Sie hier alle Details!

Art der Arbeit: • Telefonieren • Befragen • Überzeugen Dauer und Zeit: • ca. vom 10. – 31. Jänner • späte Nachmittags- bis frühe Abendstunden Anforderungen: • Sehr gute Kommunikationsfähigkeit...

At a recent event organised by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) the new workprogramme for ICT (Information & Communication Technologies) of the European Union’s research funding programme FP7 was presented. Apart from the new workprogramme and the next calls Michael Wiesmüller, the Austrian delegate for the ICT programme from the Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation & Technology...
Dienstort: 1150 WienAusmaß der Anstellung: 40 StundenEintrittsmöglichkeit: Jänner 2009 Aufgaben: 1. Finanzadministration Belegerfassung und Vorkontierung (Schnittstelle zur externen Buchhaltung)Zahlungsverkehr und KontenüberprüfungVorbereitung von Audits/ProjektabrechnungenFührung des Kassabuches 2. Klassische Sekretariatsagenden Administrative und organisatorische Unterstützung bei unseren Projekten...
BILAT-RUS was launched on 1st September 2008. The project which is funded by the European Commission aims at enhancing the bilateral S&T partnership between the Russian Federation and the EU Member States, Candidate Coun-tries and other Associated Countries. More information here!
Nov. 22, 2088: 11.00 a.m. - 5 p.m.Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, Favoritenstr. 15a., 1040 Vienna ASO Ljubljana - - is co-organiser of "CAN “UNITED NATIONS” BE TAUGHT? - A Central, East and Southeast European Regional Colloquium on Innovative Techniques for Teaching about the United Nations System" For more information and draft programme please see the...
24. Oct. 2008
ZSI Lecture
ZSI Lecture, Tuesday, 28th of October 2008, 14:00 CET Title: Discursive Psychology and Social Technology: Investigating Web 2.0 in Education Presenter: Norm Friesen, Canada Research Chair in E-Learning PracticesThompson Rivers University; Place: ZSI, Linke Wienzeile 246, 1150 Vienna
Maßnahme bei Projekt EU4ALL (European Unified Approach for Accessible Lifelong Learning)

Das Zentrum für Soziale Innovation ist seit zwei Jahren Partner im Projekt EU4ALL (European Unified Approach for Accessible Lifelong Learning), im Rahmen dessen eine auf Standards basierende technische...


Within the framework of the EULAKS-Project („connecting Research on the Knowledge Society in the EU and Latin America“), which is coordinated by the ZSI, a workshop on “Foresight Cooperation between Europe...

Feiern Sie mit!Am 26. Oktober 2008 findet im OstKlub (Schwarzenbergplatz 10, 1040 Wien) um 19:00 die statt. Für Musik sorgen:· Agnès Milewski · Novi Sad· Super Pursuit Mode · DJ dunkelbunt Der Eintritt ist frei! Worum geht es bei ist eine webcommunity, die sich nicht von der vorherrschenden EU-feindlichen Diktion in Österreich vereinnahmen lassen...
Web-Portal „incrEAST“ zur Forschungskooperation zwischen der EU, Osteuropa und Zentralasien gestartet! Das Web-Portal „incrEAST“• stellt umfassende und aktuelle Informationen zur Entwicklung von Wissenschaft, Technologie und Forschungsförderung in den Ländern Osteuropas und Zentralasiens und in der EU bereit,• informiert über Kooperationsprojekte mit EECA-Ländern, aktuelle Ausschreibungen...
This half-day conference brings together authors of recent studies concerning social innovation in enterprises and on CSR in international comparison. The debate will focus on the future of CSR and social innovations.Organizer: ZSI, WKO (Austrian Chamber of Commerce), SozialMarie (Foundation, granting annual awards for innovative social projects), and CSR-Conultants.www.zsi.atwww.wko.athttp://www....
The EC suggests to promote creativity (as a basis of innovation) and innovation (the implementation and use of new ideas) in the framework of a "European Year".
Neues EU Projekt am ZSI zur Kooperation mit Mexiko

Coming october will be the Kick-off of the BILAT-Mexico Project that aims at broadening the cooperation opportunities between Mexico and the European Union in the area of science and technology. The project...

Main objectives and more

ComeIn, a FP7 CP project, started on 1st of September. The main objective of ComeIn is to study and utilise mobile networks and telephones that are most commonly used by marginalised youth, as the ...

ZSI promotes an initiative that has been launched together with SORA, abif, and FORBA to increase performance and create better working conditions in applied social research organisations in Austria. In particular six measures are proposed to become included in research policy objectives of the forthcoming government programme after general elections of Sept. 28th, 2008.Supporters may find the relevant...
ZSI runs (together with SORA and FORBA) a 1 1/2 yr. training program to enhance competencies of young social scientists concerning particular requirements of international research (21 ECTS). The first 25 graduates have been honored by certificates handed over by Cabinet Minister for Science and Rresearch, Dr. Hahn. The new course program with 36 selected participants starts on Nov. 3rd, 2008, in ...
GEMMA is an European project that aims to bring together different actors, such as policy makers, researchers, civil society organisations, and the media, active in the fields of Gender and Migration. A newsletter will be published every four months. Have a look on the first edition.
Presseinformation des Verbands Österreichischer Software Industrie / VÖSI. Es diskutierten am 11.09. mit den JournalistInnen: Frau Mag.a Schwarz-Wölzl, Zentrum für Soziale Innovation, Dr. Gleitsmann, Wirtschaftskammer Österreich, Prof. Kotauczek, BEKO Holding und Präsident des VÖSI, Mag. Prinz, CSC und Vizepräsident des VÖSI. Weiterführende Information:
Die ÖFSE (Österreichische Forschungsstiftung für Internationale Entwicklung) in Kooperation mit dem ZSI und dem vidc laden herzlich zu folgender Veranstaltung ein: Vom braindrain zum braingain Migration, Braindrain und die Auswirkungen auf Entwicklung Mittwoch, 15. Oktober 2008, 09.00 - 17.30 Uhr Albert Schweitzer Haus, 1090 Wien, Schwarzspanierstraße 13 Hintergrundinfo: Nigeria leidet unter akutem...
Wege aus der Prekarisierung der SozialwissenschaftRahmenbedingungen und verborgene Potentiale AbsolventInnen der Sozialwissenschaften sind oft mit großen Schwierigkeiten beim Berufseinstieg konfrontiert, oder mit Arbeitsbedingungen die eine Lebensplanung schwer machen. Einer relativ geringen Anzahl an gut dotierten Stellen steht eine Vielzahl von schlecht gesicherten Arbeitsverhältnissen gegenüber...
26. Aug. 2008
The public discourse in Austria about Europe is determined by an EU-adverse, often populist diction which suggests that the Austrian majority is against Europe respectively the EU. This cannot be confirmed by most recent surveys. To raise a civilian voice against this negative attitude, ZSI actively supports the pro-Europe initiative launched during the Forum Alpbach.On the pro-Europe-homepage supporters...
What we offer:* Very good working atmosphere in a project team.* Collaboration in two interesting, future-orientated EU projects on bi-regional S&T cooperation EU – South and Southeast Asia (India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Viet Nam (see for more details).* Project visits to the region* Employment of 30-40 h/week, starting November 1, 2008 What we expect: Experience...
ZSI joined the MetropolisNet, the European network of local development partnerships in metropolitan areas. The EEIG (European Economic Interest Group) was established in 2007 comprising 11 partners from all across Europe (Berlin, Budapest, Dublin, Hamburg, London, Madrid, Rome, Santander, Seine-Saint-Denis-Tampere and Vienna). MetropolisNet is a vehicle for inter-city and interorganisational collaboration...
Möglichkeiten zivilgesellschaftlicher Partizipation 2. bis zum 4. Oktober 2008

The Asylum Coordination Austria (asylkoordination österreich) is organising an international conference in Vienna from 2nd - 4th October 2008 on the topic of „Migrants’ and refugees’ contributions to ...

In 2006-2007 the ZSI organised the Austrian part of the first-ever European Citizen's Consultations: Follow-up communication led to the formation of a consortium to collaborate as a network for the benefit of future-oriented dialogue and communication among citizens across Europe.
SOQUA: Vocational Qualification in the Social Sciences The new 2008–2010 SOQUA course will run from November 2008 until June 2010. The deadline for *submitting applications for admission is July 21, 2008. SOQUA is a joint initiative of three institutes, namely the Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI), Institute for Social Research and Analysis (SORA), and the Working Life Research Centre (FORBA). SOQUA...
Im Rahmen des österreichischen Forschungsdialoges, diskutierten am 24. Juni 2008 rund zwanzig Experten zum Thema "Fit für die Wirtschaft? Schnittstellen als Innovationsmotor".Die Aufzeichnung des Online-Dialogs, von Christian Hartmann (Joanneum Research) moderiert, tauscht Meinungen und Statements aus und zeigt auf, welche Schnittstellen besonders wichtig für die österreichische Wirtschaft sind. ...
Results of the 2-years project "Female careers in Science, Engineering and Technology" were presented and discussed in Athens. Invitation and programme attached.
Job description:Coordination of two intertwined EU projects: a network of ministries and agencies from 14 countries on the topic of research cooperation with South Eastern Europe, see and its follow-up project SEE-ERA.NET PLUS.Full-time employment (40 hours/week), starting September or October 1, 2008 in Vienna, Austria. Qualifications and experience required:- university degree...
Auf Einladung der Schweizer Regierung findet das Projekt "Supporting Employers Recruiting and Selecting Mature Aged Persons" durch die Konferenz: "Démographie et emploi: quelle place pour les seniors dans l'entreprise de demain?" seinen Ausklang. Ort: Ecole d'ingénieurs de GenèveDatum: 29 Mai 2008, 13h bis 17hKonferenzsprache: Französisch und Englisch Registrierung:
Global Philanthropists - Partners for a Knowledge based Response to Climate Change June 1-3, 2008, Portorož, Slovenia The conference aims at encouraging cooperation among philanthropic organisations worldwide to respond in a knowledge focused way to global challenges, in particular that of climate change and to promote partnerships between philanthropic organisations, governments, the EU, the United...
Elke Dall (ed.), 2008: Science and Technology in the Western Balkans. Reports from the Information Office of the Steering Platform on Research for Western Balkan Countries; Barrister & Principal, BrnoISBN 978-3-200-01190-8 This book (303 p.) is part of the successful completion of the project "", co-funded by the 6th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development of the...
Socially innovative projects have been awarded the forth time on May 1st, 2008, in Vienna. As previously, Josef Hochgerner took part in the jury selecting the 15 winners from 212 projects submitted for participation in the contest. Notably, this time increasing internationalisation became obvious: Five of the 15 winning projects are located in the Czech Republic (2) and in Hungary (3). The three ...
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