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Gesendet am 23. September 2005

Beitrag in Ö1 - "Dimensionen der Wissenschaft" Anlass: ÖGS-Kongress 05 "Den Stillstand bewegen. Praxis der Soziologie" (Wien 22.-23.9.2005) AutorInnen: Latcheva, R., Hochgerner, J., Schmitzer, Ulrike...

Lloyd deMause: The emotional life of nationsVortrag und Diskussion 30.9.05, 14-16h; ZSI, Linke Wienzeile 246, 1150 Wien Der amerikanische Psycho-Historiker Lloyd deMause ist aus Anlass der deutschsprachigen Publikation seines Buches "Das emotionale Leben der Nationen" im Verlag Drava (Klagenfurt) in Österreich.Verlagsinformation: Buchpräsentation: 28. 9. 2005 in Klagenfurt...
The OECD LEED Forum on Partnerships and Local Governance issued the online publication of the Annual Brochure "Forum_partnerships_2005". The online publication provides information on the framework and setting, the objectives, outputs and outcomes and the contacts of area-based partnerships. The aims of the Annual Brochure are to overview and present types of partnerships in the various OECD and non...
Eveb "young institutes" get older. However, the Centre for Social Innovation is only 15, an age that is to be celebrated!
A Joint PROLEARN and UNFOLD Initiative in Valkenburg (near Heerlen and Maastricht), The Netherlands on the 22nd and 23rd of September 2005. The organized workshop will provide an overview of current work in the field of IMS Learning Design. A number of presentations will be carried out on the following topics: Development of LD tools and architectures, eg, editors, content management systems, runtime...
A first call, published by ASO Ljubljana and Sofia, was open until March 31, 2005, to submit proposals in a collaborative manner to research issues of governacen and civil society in South-East Europe. From 40 proposals nine were selected to receive funds of 122.000 € in total. a) South-East European Network for Science and Technology Studies: STS Contributions to the Governance of Sociotechnical ...
Networking conference in the framework of this year's "Vienna Sciences Days" (Sept. 29-Oct. 7, 2005) at Vienna's Museums Quarter, Hall E. The programme of October 6th is co-organised by the Centre for Social Innovation and marking its 15th anniversary of existence (reception, music, dancing in the evening).
Ralf Brand is Lecturer on "Urban Planning and Management", and "Planning of Contested Spaces"; Queen's University Belfast - School of Environmental Planning. During his visit to the CSI, July 18-25, 2005, he will offer some presntations and workshops. July 19, in the CSI-series of "Lunch Talks":"Co-evolution toward Sustainable Development: Neither smart technologies nor heroic choices" July 20, workshop...
The CSI is organising a conference on media comptences - e-learning - e-skills from the perspectives of pedagogy and economy.This event is going to be held on the 21st of October, 2005 in Vienna in German language. The invited international speakers (Tapio Varis - UNESCO Chair in Global e-Learning and Professor at the University of Tampere, Finland and Franz Gramlinger from CEDEFOP) will provide an...
Title: Moving the Still. Practices of SociologyDate: 22.-23. September, 2005Venue: University of Vienna, Universtätsstr. 11, 1010 Vienne
Items per Page: 10, 20, 50

total items: 2140

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