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COST Scientific Committee
Klaus Schuch, Scientific Director of ZSI, has been nominated to the Scientific Committee of COST

COST is the longest-running European framework supporting trans-national cooperation among researchers, engineers and scholars across Europe. Based on a European intergovernmental framework for cooperation...

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships at the Centre of Social Innovation
ZSI hosts MSC-IF in the field of social sciences and humanities

The EC launched a new application round for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (IF-EF). Deadline is 10 September 2015. More information about the call can be accessed here. The Vienna based...

E!DI Eureka Danube Initiative Call 2015 launched
It results from an initiative following the EUSDR and aims at a closer collaboration between companies in the DR.

The implementation of the E!DI Eureka Danube Initiative Call 2015 was facilitated by the Danube-INCO.NET project, which is co-ordinated by ZSI. At a joint EUREKA and Danube-INCO.NET meeting in Austria...

Benchmarking of Energy related Research Organisations in Central Asia launched in Vienna

The Benchmarking of Energy related Research Organisations in Central Asia has been officially launched by the IncoNet CA project on 12 March 2015. At the Kick-off meeting, which has been organised ...

Danube-INCO.NET informs about funds for energy efficiency and renewable energy
The deliverable identifies possible funding sources in the Danube Region

Danube-INCO.NET partners active in the work package "Tackling Societal Challenges: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in the Bioeconomy" (WP3) published this recent deliverable to inform about funds...

Partner Steinbeis Europa Zentrum (SEZ) is supporting the set-up of three additional DTC

In the framework of the ZSI-coordinated Danube-INCO.NET project, the partner Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum (SEZ) successfully conducted set-up visits to potential Danube Transfer Centres (DTC) in three different...

34 applications received!

The ener2i Innovation Voucher Competition in Moldova 2014 has generated a high interest among Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) and research organisations in Moldova. In total 34 applications ...

This infoposter is a result of the ZSI-led analysis work in the SEA-EU-NET 2 project.

The SEA-EU-NET infographic does not only give a detailed impression of the significant scientific activities in the ASEAN region, but also looks at the participation rate of ASEAN Member States in the...

Mobilität von älteren IKT Fachkräften stärken

Der Newsletter informiert über das Projekt, über die Herausforderungen, Mobilitätstrends und vieles andere mehr.

Kick off meeting on 4 March 2015 in Bucharest

The kick off meeting held in Bucharest, Romania started the activities of the project with at consortium consisting of 19 partners from all Black Sea countries and a number of EU member and asociated&...

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