News Filter
ZSI as host institution for a short term mission presented in a success story

In the COST Stories, success stories and highlights from COST Actions and other COST activities are being presented - in March also Center for Social Innovation was featured - Red tape blamed for hindering Asian innovation
Ein Beitrag zu Innovations-Rahmenbedingungen in Südostasien, basierend auf einer Session der SEA-EU-NET STI Days

Die berichtete über eine vom ZSI mitorganisierte und moderierte Veranstaltung zum Thema Rahmenbedingungen für Innovation in Südostasien. Die hochrangig besetzte und gut besuchte Session...

Project information of SI-Drive

SI-Drive has issued the fifth edition of the eNewsletter. You will find the eNewsletter here. SI-Drive is a large-scale research project funded in the European Union’s 7th Framework Programme. One ...

MyAccessible.EU lädt zur Teilnahme an einer Online Umfrage ein
Helfen Sie bei der Verbesserung von Mobilität und Barrierefreiheit in europäischen Städten mit!

Sind Sie selbst im Rollstuhl oder mit Rollator unterwegs oder kennen Sie andere RollstuhlfahrerInnen? Mit unserem Fragebogen sammeln wir wichtige Informationen über Erfahrungen mit Barrierefreiheit im...

Fostering the participation in Horizon 2020

The Agreement for the Association of Ukraine to Horizon 2020 was signed on March 20, 2015 in Kyiv by Carlos Moedas, European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, and Serhiy Kvit, Minister...

How to address the European Research Area? Learn with Danube-INCO.NET

As the first national strategy of its kind in Europe, the Strategy of the Federal Government on the European Research Area (ERA) will be presented in a webinar hosted by the EU Bureau of the German Federal...

BürgerInnenkonferenz zu Zukunftsvisionen im April und Oktober in Wien
Projekt CASI: Visionen zu Nachhaltigkeit, Innovation und Politik aus elf EU-Ländern

Was ist Ihre Vision einer umweltfreundlichen Zukunft? Das ZSI - Zentrum für Soziale Innovation lädt zu einer BürgerInnenkonferenz in Wien ein, die in zwei Teilen stattfindet. Vergleichbare BürgerInnenkonferenzen...

COST Scientific Committee
Klaus Schuch, Scientific Director of ZSI, has been nominated to the Scientific Committee of COST

COST is the longest-running European framework supporting trans-national cooperation among researchers, engineers and scholars across Europe. Based on a European intergovernmental framework for cooperation...

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships at the Centre of Social Innovation
ZSI hosts MSC-IF in the field of social sciences and humanities

The EC launched a new application round for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (IF-EF). Deadline is 10 September 2015. More information about the call can be accessed here. The Vienna based...

E!DI Eureka Danube Initiative Call 2015 launched
It results from an initiative following the EUSDR and aims at a closer collaboration between companies in the DR.

The implementation of the E!DI Eureka Danube Initiative Call 2015 was facilitated by the Danube-INCO.NET project, which is co-ordinated by ZSI. At a joint EUREKA and Danube-INCO.NET meeting in Austria...

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