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Informationsveranstaltung zur Gründungsunterstützung für junge Migrant_innen
Erfahren Sie mehr über das Angebot des Projektes YMCB

Sie sind zwischen 18 und etwa 35 Jahre alt, stammen aus einem Drittland und möchten in Österreich ein Unternehmen gründen? Sie haben Kontakt mit jungen MigrantInnen, die Zugang zum Arbeitsmarkt in...

MEDIA RESPONSE 20. Nov. 2019
Wissenschaftsdiplomatie in den Medien
Wissenschaftsdiplomatie in den Medien
Der Standard berichtet über das vom ZSI koordinierte Projekt "S4D4C"

Wissenschaft und Diplomatie sind zwei getrennte Welten. Wie sie einander bei Epidemien positiv beeinflussen und zu mehr Vertrauen in Fakten beitragen können, untersucht das im Rahmen von Horizon 2020 ...

Research and Innovation development in Kosovo
Status quo of Research and Innovation development in Kosovo: Thoughts for Kosovo’s future R&I

On 15th of November 2019, the HERAS project, funded by the Austrian Development Cooperation, organised a Roundtable & Workshop with the topic “Status quo of Research and Innovation development in ...

19. Nov. 2019
Presentations online!
Presentations online!
5th Global Research Conference: Social Innovation and Socio-Digital Transformation

With more than 200 attendees from research and practice, many interesting discussions and promising new contacts, our 5th Global Research Conference on Social Innovation and Socio-Digital Transformation...

ZSI unterstützt Protest gegen die ÖNB
Offener Brief gegen die Einschränkung der Förderung des Jubiläumsfonds der ÖNB

In meiner Eigenschaft als wissenschaftlicher Leiter des ZSI unterstütze ich die Protestnote des Verbands der wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften Österreichs gegen die Einschränkung, dass aus Mitteln des...

Eindrücke und Nachlese: SDG Impact Camp
Aktion zu Nachhaltigen Konsum- und Produktionsmuster, Klimaschutz und Partnerschaften zur Erreichung der SDGs

Im Rahmen des Interreg Central Europe-Projekts Social(i)makers, lud das Zentrum für Soziale Innovation - ZSI am 17. Oktober 2019, gemeinsam mit arbeit plus und SDG Watch Austria zum Social(i)makers SDG...

And the winner is ... Austria
EUSIC Impact Prize goes to MTOP. Klaus Schuch (ZSI) gives a laudation speech in Brussels.

On 24 October 2019, the European Commission announced the winners of the 2019 European Social Innovation Competition. Under this year's theme, “Challenging Plastic Waste”, three private sector projects...

25. Oct. 2019
Krise und Gesellschaft
Beitrag des ZSI im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe der VHS-Linz "Weltwirtschaftskrisen in Geschichte und Gegenwart"

Im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe der VHS Linz WELTWIRTSCHAFTSKRISEN IN GESCHICHTE UND GEGENWART reflektiert Irina Vana, Mitarbeiterin des ZSI, über die Bedeutung der Weltwirtschaftskrise für unser heutiges...

Are you planning to use cocreation methodologies in your activities? An insight of co-creation in relation to bioeconomy

The main objective of the BLOOM project is to establish open and informed dialogues, co-created by European citizens, civil society, bioeconomy innovation networks, local research centres, business and...

Transformative change in rural areas
The LiveRuR project sets up Living Labs and develops a business model based on circular economy and co-creation

Transformative change in European societies often linked to urban centres and their pioneering functions in terms of new technologies and innovations. However, taking a holistic approach that is necessary...

Europe's science diplomacy discussed in Berlin
S4D4C organised the 2nd European Networking Meeting “Towards a European Science Diplomacy Roadmap” in Berlin

After S4D4C's first Networking Meeting in Madrid in December 2018, the second edition took place recently in Berlin. Titled “Towards a European Science Diplomacy Roadmap”, the event, which was organised...

China macht Außenpolitik mit der Geld-Gießkanne
Philipp Brugner kommentiert in der Presse die chinesische Praxis weltweiter Kreditvergaben

China betreibt seine Außenpolitik nicht nur über klassische diplomatische Kanäle, sondern nutzt auch ein ausgeklügeltes Kreditvergabesystem, um sich auf der ganzen Welt Einfluss zu verschaffen. Über staatseigene...

Fostering the scientific-entrepreneurial ties between Europe and Southeast Asia
The Southeast Asia – Europe Joint Funding Scheme was in Bangkok recently for the Bio Investment Asia 2019 conference

From September 25-27 the Bio Investment Asia 2019 conference took place in Bangkok. The event's aim was to promote advanced technologies related to biotechnology and life sciences in Asia, to stimulate...

Concepts of social innovation are being explored in the context of "participatory memory practices" in museums

On 19th and 20th September 2019, ZSI’s Ursula Holtgrewe taught a workshop on social innovation, partnership, co-creation and stakeholder engagement for the participants of the Horizon 2020 European Training...

A conversation about systems thinking and fostering collaboration with Kazimierz Murzyn from LifeScience Cluster Krakow

In the second episode of the BLOOM bioeconomy podcast, we spoke with Kazimierz Murzyn, managing director of the LifeSciences Cluster Krakow. His main working expertise lies in the field of innovation, ...

A conversation about sustainability and circularity with Dr. Hannu Koponen from the Regional Council of Central Finland

In this episode of our BLOOM bioeconomy podcast we spoke with Dr. Hannu Koponen, development manager at Regional Council of Central Finland. Hannu Koponen is working in the field of bioeconomy for decades...

Busy months for the S4D4C project

At the recent R&I Days’ in Brussels, the panel “Communicating Europe through Science Diplomacy”, a fully packed room was welcomed by Jean-Eric Paquet, Director-General for Research and Innovation (...

DOIT has released its toolbox for making

Recently the DOIT project has published it's collection of ideas and methods to facilitate making for children from 6 to 14 years old. The toolbox holds many different ideas and tools that fosters creativity...

How can textiles be made from wood?

As part of the BLOOM project's documentary series on bioeconmy, we visited Lenzing AG in Austria to learn more about the production process – from the tree to the shirt.      ...

Social Impact Investment Council 19.9.2019

As planned by the project Finance4SocialChange the social impact investment community council was established as part of the project activities. Six stakeholders from Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Serbia...

The second policy brief of the NewHoRRIzon project calls for specific actions to tackle 'Grand Challenges'

Read the latest policy brief nr.2  on 'Lacking Integration of Societal Needs and Ethical concerns into European Research and Innovation Policy severely limits the ability to tackle 'Grand Challenges...

Evaluation: Austrian Offices for Science and Technology - article in
Minister Rauskala asks for joint umbrella branding for Austria's international representations in the field of R&I

Based on the findings of the evaluation of the Austrian Science and Technology Offices (OSTA) in Beijing and Washington conducted by ZSI in cooperation with Joanneum Research and coordinated by Dorothea...

EU Social Innovation Competition 2019
Klaus Schuch (ZSI) is member of the Impact-Prize Jury of EUSIC (2019)

The Impact Prize recognises the project that has achieved the most significant social impact over the past 12 months. This extra prize is designed to ensure that the projects supported under the European...

Amazon fires 'show need to improve EU science diplomacy'
Interview in Research Europe with Klaus Schuch, ZSI

Klaus Schuch, scientific director of ZSI, argues for more efforts in international science diplomacy and a more political stance of R&I policy makers responsible for international cooperation towards...

Science|Business Network highlights NEUROTWIN project
Promoting the Ukrainian Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology

Under the title "Ukrainian neuroscientists tap Horizon 2020 in bid to boost excellence" the Science|Business Network reported about the ambitions of Ukrainian neurscientists and an interview with Oleg...

Preparing for Science Diplomacy - leaving the comfort zone
Interview with Elke Dall (ZSI) and Tim Fink (DZHW)

In preparation of the S4D4C Science Diplomacy networking event to prepare a European Science Diplomacy Roadmap, which takes place in Berlin on 10 October 2019, Elke Dall (ZSI), project coordinator, and...

ZSI cooperates in lifting Ukrainian neuroscience research
NEUROTWIN helps to re-establish the Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology as an international centre of excellence

In August one of ZSI's most recent projects officially started. Called NEUROTWIN - Pan-European twinning to re-establish world-level Neuroscience Centre in Kiev this project is a Horizon 2020-funded Twinning...

ZSI participated at the international CEISAL conference in Bucharest, Rumania, 29-31.07.2019.

In the framework of the EULAC-Focus project – Giving focus to the cultural, scientific and social dimension of EU-(CE)LAC relations – ZSI was responsible for steering and coordinating the research on ...

Gemeinsam mit den TeilnehmerInnen werden konkrete Methoden und Werkzeuge ausprobiert und erste Umsetzungen geplant.

Zielsetzung: Die Teilnehmer/innen lernen DOIT-Methoden und Maker-Werkzeuge kennen, um gemeinsam mit anderen Aktionen für und mit jungen sozialen Innovator/inn/en in Makerspaces zu organisieren, zu planen...

Update on the Social Innovation Assembly
The First Social Innovation Assembly took place virtually on June 28, 2019

The First Social Innovation Assembly took place on June 28th, 2019 as a lightweight virtual format for exchange and communication among social innovation practitioners, facilitators and researchers hosted...

EaP PLUS conducts three more webinars in July
Join one of the three remaining webinars of the project before its ending!

The EaP PLUS project to support the international science, technology and innovation networks of the Eastern Partnership countries is ending in August of this year. In July the project organises its...

Final Resinfra@DR newsletter - ReadME
Facilitating macro-regional scope & link up to socio-economic actors of research infrastructures in the Danube region

Over the last decade, the topic “research infrastructure/s” (RI) gained importance in the Danube macro-region – at European level the increasing policy importance becomes evident through strategic actions...

Amir Fazlagic, former ZSI MSCA-Fellow became Professor
ZSI congratulates its former Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow!

Our former Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow Amir Fazlagic received the title of professor during a ceremony with the Polish President of State on 27 June 2018. Amir was working at ZSI in the years 2002-2003...

Wie gelingt digitale Inklusion in/durch digitale Transformation?
Spannende Keynote und World Café im Rahmen von Social(i)Makers

Am 3. Juni 2019 veranstalteten arbeit plus und das ZSI das World Café  "#diginclusion: Digitale Transformation durch digitale Inklusion" im Rahmen des Projekts Social(i)Makers. Die Veranstaltung ...

`Excellence-in-ReSTI´ Final Event
Beginning of July, the final event of the Interreg project `Excellence-in-ReSTI´ took place in Prague.

The objective of the `Excellence-in-ReSTI´ project was to increase competences of managers of technological, social and research-based innovation projects. The pilot course of the ReSTI-Academy which ...

Pitching repair sessions organised in Slovakia, Romania, Croatia and Hungary

The ZSI is workpackage leader of the specific WP covering the analysis and benchmark the current social impact investment practice accross the Danube macro-region. As a support for the national and regional...

ResInfra@DR Projekt und Synergy Meeting in DERSTANDARD
Anlässlich des ResInfra@DR Events in Wien führte das Medium ein Interview zu Forschungsinfrastrukturen im Donauraum.

Unter dem Titel "Infrastruktur besser planen" berichtete die österreichische Tageszeitung DERSTANDARD kürzlich über das Interreg DTP Projekt ResInfra@DR Projekt und sein Abschlussevent im Juni in Wien...

MEDIA RESPONSE 29. Jun. 2019
Georgiens europäischer Weg auf dem Prüfstand
Georgiens europäischer Weg auf dem Prüfstand
Der Besuch einer russischen Delegation löste die jüngsten Demonstrationen im Land aus - doch es geht um mehr.

In Georgien wird seit einer Woche protestiert - doch die Proteste richten sich gegen mehr als nur die Ansprache eines russischen Politikers im georgischen Parlament. Vielmehr geht es um die schleichende...

What do students develop for other students? Come and see at the health youth conference in Schladming on 28 June.

On Friday 28th of June, ZSI will present a DOIT roll out activity that has been created by the after-school childcare kids of the Volksschule Gröbming at the youth health conference in Schladming. ...

Looking beyond 2020 in EU-EaP STI cooperation: Where does the journey lead to?
The EaP PLUS final event provided a forum to discuss the future of the EU-EaP research and innovation cooperation

In order to take stock of the achievements of the Horizon 2020 funded EaP PLUS project (which ends in September 2019) and to give prospects about the EU-Eastern Partnership cooperation in research and...

Making Computer-supported Artefacts from Scratch

We know digital technology is radically changing the way people work and many of tomorrow’s jobs can’t even be imagined today. But education systems are struggling to interpret what this imperative means...

Österreichischer Forschungs- und Technologiebericht 2019 veröffentlicht
Lagebericht der Bundesregierung über die aus Bundesmitteln geförderte Forschung, Technologie und Innovation

Der Forschungs- und Technologiebericht 2019 umfasst eine Darstellung der jüngsten Globalschätzung über die Entwicklung der F&E-Ausgaben in Österreich, die Performance des österreichischen Innovationssystems...

ResInfra@DR interview: from vision to achievements
Facilitating macro-regional scope and link up to socio-economic actors of Research Infrastructure in the Danube Region

ResInfra@DR project coordinator Martin Felix Gajdusek (ZSI) was invited to reflect on vision and expectations behind and achievements of the ResInfra@DR project. Read here a short version of the interview...

ResInfra@DR project featured by the Austrian Press Agency
Facilitating macro-regional scope and link up to socio-economic actors of Research Infrastructure in the Danube Region

APA Science interviewed ResInfra@DR project coordinator Martin Felix Gajdusek (ZSI) featuring the problem background and achievments of the projects in supporting the dialogue of main research infrastructure...

The event was organised in the political context of the Danube region

The Made in Danube project was launched in 2017 with the aspiring aim of providing long-term support for knowledge, innovation and technology transfer in the Danube Region. It received funding from the...

International cooperation for tackling global biosphere and social challenges
PSF mutual learning exercise on "National Strategies and Roadmaps for International Cooperation in R&I" met in Paris

Participants of the PSF mutual learning exercise on "National Strategies and Roadmaps for International Cooperation in R&I" agreed that embedding of international R&I strategies in national and...

Press review: ResInfra@DR Know-how exchange forum, 22-23 May 2019, Bratislava
More than 30 research infrastructure experts from the Danube region contributed to this event!

Bratislava, Vienna – RESINFRA@DR Know-how exchange forum focused on Research Infrastructures (RI) mutual support activities in the Danube Macro-region hosted by RESINFRA@DR, took place on 22-23 May 2019...

SENSES Pitching in Austria
Eight Austrian social entrepreneurs presented their social enterprise, mission and aims

SENSES Pitching in Austria On March 1st 2019 the pitching event took place in the frame of the SENSES knowledge transfer and networking event. Eight Austrian social entrepreneurs took the opportunity...

31. May. 2019
ESSI PhD-Workshop 2019
ESSI PhD-Workshop 2019
European School of Social Innovation invites PhDs

PhD students are cordially invivted to the PhD Workshop taking place one day before the ESSI 2019 conference. The PhD Workshop is designed to give PhD students the opportunity to: Receive feedback...

Slow progress in Kosovo, but progress
NCP system for H2020 supported by HERAS project in place, says European Commission

The European Commission's progress report on Kosovo* 2019 mentions as a positive not, the improvement of the NCP system for H2020 which is directly linked with the HERAS project, supported by the...

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