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Upcoming Social Learning Relay event in Zagreb
Social Learning Relay Nr.2: Experimentation - March 15th 2018

Join us this March in Zagreb for our second Social Learning Relay, designed to strengthen your social impact initiatives! The SIC - Social Innovation Community project is happy to invite you to an ...

Facilitating a European Union Science Diplomacy
We support science diplomacy as a means to foster the EU's foreign policy goals and its commitment to the SDGs

Science diplomacy can be described, in its broadest sense, as all those activities that span the spheres of science, on the one hand, and diplomacy, on the other. Science advice to multilateral climate...

The event was dedicated to Social- Service and Eco Innovations in the Danube Region

The Made in Danube Project held its first best practice workshop dedicated to the capacities and opportunities related to the social-, service-, and eco-innovations in the Bio-economy sector. The objective...


The Interreg Danube Transnational Project “Excellence in research, social and technological innovation” (Excellence-in-ReSTI) has wrapped up its first-year activities and turns into the new year with ...

Concluding workshop of the BSH project defined next steps in the BSCP, Athens 25-26 Jan 2018

The BSH project created the "€Black Sea Cooperation Programme"€ (BSCP)€ which was presented and discussed in a dedicated Conference in Athens, in May 2017. Building on the momentum created with the...

Our goal is to promote Gender Balance in Research and Innovation


FIMAS-Daten zu Integrationsmaßnahmen und Arbeitsmarkterfolg von Flüchtlingen können für Forschungszwecke genutzt werden

Der anonymisierte Datensatz des FIMAS-Projekts, Integrationsmaßnahmen und Arbeitsmarkterfolg von Flüchtlingen und subsidiär Schutzberechtigten in Österreich, kann von Forscherinnen und Forschern für eigene...

ZSI presents at the 7th Beyond Europe Roundtable on science cooperation with South Africa.

In 2015 South Africa and Austria signed a Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation in science and research. The 7th national "Beyond Europe Roundtable" focused on how to strenghten cooperation between...

Der neue Atlas of Social Innovation bietet einen handlichen Überblick über aktuelle Trends sozialer Innovation.

Der Atlas of Social Innovation versammelt Beiträge führender ExpertInnen und neue Einsichten in die Vielfalt sozialer Innovationen und präsentiert Ergebnisse des internationalen Forschungsprojekts SI-...

The new Atlas of Social Innovation provides insights into the current trends of Social Innovation across the globe.

The Atlas of Social Innovation gathers leading experts to deliver new intelligence on the diversity of Social Innovation and complements this insight with the results of the international research project...

eCraft2Learn is one of the three maker projects of the ZSI. But what is eCraft2Learn and what results can be expected?

Watch the newly released video to find answers  

 SozialMarie 2018 prämiert sozial innovative Projekte! (Empfehlung des ZSI)
Die Ausschreibung zur SozialMarie 2018 läuft noch bis 23. Jänner 2018!

Heuer wird die SozialMarie bereits zum 14. Mal ausgeschrieben: Die Unruhe Privatstiftung sucht auszeichnungswürdige Projekte, die sozial innovative Lösungen für gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen entwerfen...

Vom Forschungsinput zum Innovationsoutput
Vom Forschungsinput zum Innovationsoutput
3er Gespräch zwischen K. Schuch (ZSI), L.Garzik (Rat für FTE) und M. Friedmann (Rosenberger) im corporAID Magazin

Welche Rolle Innovationsprozesse für eine erfolgreiche Internationalisierung spielen und ob Österreichs Unternehmen einen Innovationstypwechsel brauchen, diskutieren Michael Friedmann vom Fuerwehrtechnik...

Call extended! ResInfra@DR - Training with focus on research infrastructure
Enhance your capacity: evaluation, planning, monitoring, impact steered operation & management of RIs!

The ResInfra@DR project is funded under INTERREG Danube Transnational Programme, supported by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA), and co-funded by the project partners or from national public co-funding...

ResInfra@DR Call for Trainers: Deadline extended!
Experts in the field of research infrastructure are invited to apply by January 12th 2018 (submission deadline).

The ResInfra@DR project is funded under INTERREG Danube Transnational Programme, supported by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA), and co-funded by the project partners or from national public co-funding...

21. Dec. 2017
2nd Newsletter of SENSES
2nd Newsletter of SENSES
Strenghtening the social entrepreneurial landscape - project information of SENSES

SENSES has issued the second edition of the newsletter. You will find the Newsletter here. SENSES is a project funded by the Interreg Danube Transnational Programme. In our second newsletter we present...

16th eNewsletter of SI-Drive
Learn more on the relevance of social innovations - project information of SI-Drive

SI-Drive has issued the sixteenth edition of the eNewsletter. You will find the eNewsletter here. SI-Drive is a large-scale research project funded in the European Union’s 7th Framework Programme. ...

Video documentary

Watch out the video documentary on the Labs experiences in Bologna, Cagliari, Dublin and London. From their direct voices, what Labs suggested, what were the reflections, and the ways forward. Enjoy!

15. Dec. 2017
MEnt Helpdesk-Angebot
Unterstützung bei der Online-Bewerbung für die laufende MEnt Auschreibung

Wir freuen uns den zweiten MEnt "Call for Business Ideas" in Österreich bekannt zu geben. Die Ausschreibung ist bis 15. Jänner 2018 geöffnet. Sie richtet sich an gründungsinteressierte Personen ...

Die Ausgeschlossenen begeistern - ZSI-Artikel in der Presse
Wie man mit Wissenschaft marginalisierte Kinder und Jugendliche erreichen kann

Wie kann man marginalisierte Kinder und Jugendliche für die Wissenschaft begeistern und welchen Beitrag kann Citizen Science dazu leisten? Dieser Frage ging eine jüngst veröffentliche Studie des Rats...

Items per Page: 10, 20, 50

total items: 2169

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