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Call for artwork to raise awareness for environment & social inclusion
Monthly deadlines till 17 March 2025: inspire positive change!

Showcase your work in the ACCTING "Better Art Stories" campaign! Join our “Better Art Stories” campaign and help inspire change through art. We are inviting artists and creatives to share works that...

Podcast time: Research security in research cooperation with China
ZSI researchers speak about their findings from a survey in Austria

In August last year, Gábor Szüdi and Philipp Brugner published their policy brief titled "Knowledge and Perception of Research Security - the Case of Research Cooperation between Austria and China", drawing...

The WeLaR project invites contributions on the effects of global trends on European labour markets and welfare states.

The Horizon Europe project WeLaR hosts its final conference on June 12, 2025 in Brussels to explore how digitalisation, globalisation, demographic shifts, and climate change are driving structural transformations...

STEAM Education: The Claim for Socially Innovative Practices
CEIR - Journal for Creativity and Educational Innovation Review

This paper examines the potential of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) education as a socially innovative approach to making STEM education more inclusive and creativity-driven...

RAISE-UP Newsletter: Strengthening Partnerships and Preparing for Action
RAISE-UP Newsletter #3 – December 2024 🌟 📚 Empowering Educators, Engaging Students, Shaping the Future!

  🔍 Key Updates in the RAISE-UP project: ✅ Research Activities: The first round of evaluations was successfully completed, with the next milestone set for December 17, 2024. Measuring impact...

In this new article from the PHOTORAMA project, the artist Judith Fegerl talks about her work with PV.

Judith Fegerl is an Austrian artist working with energy technologies including solar panels. Her projects that engage old solar panels offer a reflection on their origin and place in society, especially...

STECCI project was presented by ZSI at the ACMC 2024 conference in Vienna.

The Romanian Cultural Institute in Vienna hosted the international conference Arts and Cultural Management – ACMC2024: Transgression and Collaboration in the beginning of November 2024. The event took...

Empowering Albanian Youth in Citizen Science: CORYA Study Visit in Vienna
Discover how the CORYA project is empowering Albanian youth with citizen science and innovation.

Beyond Barriers Association (BBA) and the Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI) recently hosted the CORYA Study Visit in Vienna on 3–4 December 2024, bringing together nine participants from...

Advancing Heritage Innovation: Highlights from INHERIT's 2nd Plenary Meeting
The INHERIT project’s 2nd plenary showcased progress and plans for innovative technologies in cultural heritage.

On 20 - 21 November, 2024, the INHERIT consortium gathered in Valladolid for the second plenary meeting, which brought together all project partners to reflect on the progress achieved over the past year...

D4SEE Seminar & Study Visit in Bratislava
Invitation to participate online

The Slovak Business Agency is pleased to announce the Danube4SEecosystem Seminar and Study Visit, scheduled for December 3-4, 2024, in Bratislava, Slovakia. The event will take place at the...

Letzter Aufruf: Mitmachen beim GenB Bioökonomie-Kunstwettbewerb!
The deadline for the GenB Bioeconomy Art Competition is 30th November 2024.

The countdown is on! The deadline for the GenB Bioeconomy Art Competition is the 30th of November 2024. Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to unleash your creativity and share your vision of a sustainable...

Mitarbeiterin im Porträt: Daniela Fuchs
Daniela Fuchs ist seit Januar 2023 wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am ZSI.

Daniela Fuchs ist seit Januar 2023 wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im Bereich "Technik und Wissen" am ZSI. Nach dem Studium der Humanökologie und Geschichte (Universität Wien) war sie in der Technikfolgenabschätzung...

Community of Practice for social innovations in rural areas is launched!
SERIGO Community of Practice (CoP)is launched! Want to make an impact on rural areas? Join SERIGO CoP now!

The SERIGO Community of Practice (CoP) is a dynamic community where we come together to share knowledge and learn from each other. Our platform links people from diverse backgrounds and areas of expertise...

23. Nov. 2024
TASK4ISI Newsletter #1
TASK4ISI Newsletter #1
TASK4ISI launches its first newsletter! Explore insights and updates about our project on inclusive entrepreneurship.

TASK4ISI (Transnational Action to advance SKills and competences FOR Inclusive entrepreneurship and Social Innovation) is a collaborative initiative aimed at supporting under-represented entrepreneurs...

Online Workshop: Bioökonomie in der Bildung
Wege zur Integration in formale und informelle Lernsettings

Wir laden Sie herzlich zu unserem Workshop ein! Entdecken Sie kreative Ansätze und praktische Methoden, wie Themen rund um Bioökonomie und Nachhaltigkeit in existierende Bildungsangebote integriert werden...

Knowledge Valorisation of SSH for societal impact and human-centred innovation
Panel discussion in Brussels with ZSI's scientific director, Klaus Schuch

The workshop includes presentations of best practices, a panel discussion and exchanges with panellists and participants that all aim to explore and demonstrate ways to accelerate the uptake of non-technological...

The Role of Stewards of Trust in Facilitating Trust in Science...
New open-access Springer article authored by VERITY project experts on trust in science. team members Gabor Szüdi and Pamela Bartar are contributing authors of a new article presenting relevant findings on trust in science within the framework...

Reviving history: “My STECCI Story” Workshops in Sarajevo, Split & Podgorica
Innovative approaches in the transdisciplinary research on the cultural heritage of stećci

Stećci are unique medieval burial monuments in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro. The European research project STECCI focuses on innovative conservation and valorisation strategies...

Supported by an Ernst Mach Fellowship from OeAD.

We are thrilled to announce that for the coming months Guillermina Actis has joined the ZSI team as a visiting scholar, supported by an Ernst Mach Fellowship from the Austrian Exchange Service (OeAD). ...

New Publication: Talking about practice
Exploring the role of agency and its structural context in regional healthcare practice change

Stefan Philipp and Anestis Amanatidis (University of Leiden) published a paper with the title "Talking about practice: agency and its structural context in regional healthcare practice change," in the...

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