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Im attachment finden Sie den Vortrag von Dr. Klaus Schuch zur Internationalisierung Österreichs im Bereich F&E. Aufgrund einer kurzfristigen Erkrankung konnte Dr. Schuch nicht im Arbeitskreis "Internationales" anwesend sein. Der beiliegende Vortrag wurde dort verlesen und ausgedruckt.
Update of Joint Action PlanIn August 2007 the “White Paper on overlaps, gaps and opportunities in view of the extension of bilateral RTD programmes and initiatives towards multilateral approaches” and its accompanying Joint Action Plan were finalised as a deliverable of SEE-ERA.NET. Since then the White Paper has been widely distributed. Some of the proposed actions of the Joint Action Plan already...
On 17 August 2009 the Summer School on “The Role of Social Science in the Construction of Knowledge-based societies: Latin American and European Perspectives” starts. It lasts 2 weeks and has been organised under the FP7 project "EULAKS" by Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO), Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI, Austria) and the other partners of the consortium. The main topics...
WINS-ICT “Western Balkan Countries Inco-Net Support in the field of ICT” is an initiative funded by the EC 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development under the ICT theme of the Cooperation Programme. The project intends to strengthen S&T cooperation between the EU and the Western Balkan countries by deepening the bi-regional strategic relations in the ICT field and promoting...
Das Zentrum für Soziale Innovation (ZSI) sucht Assistent/In des Vorstands für Kommunikationsmanagement und Organisation Wir streben eine Verbesserung interner Abläufe und Intensivierung externer Kommunikation (Pressearbeit, Public Relations, Lobbying etc.) an. Von zentraler Bedeutung sowohl für die einzelnen Projekte des ZSI als auch für das gesamte Institut ist die Verbreitung von Ergebnissen unserer...
6. Aug. 2009
Publish in FORESIGHT
FORESIGHT is a scientific journal published by the High School of Economics (Moscow) in Russian language.In the Editorial Board are Ian Miles (Manchester Institute of Innovation Research), Michael Keenan (OECD), Laurent Bach (University Strasbourg), Klaus Schuch (ZSI), Mario Cervantes (OECD), Glenn Schweitzer (National Academy of Sciences, USA), Ricardo Seidl da Fonseca (UNIDO), Mikhail Kovaltchuk...
Wir wollen unser Profil komplettieren durch verstärkte Forschung in den folgenden Schwerpunkten: Chancengleichheit am Arbeitsmarkt, Armutsbekämpfung, Internationale Mobilität, sozialer Dialog und Integration, alternde Gesellschaft, Governance gesellschaftlicher und technologischer Entwicklungen. Wir bieten eine verantwortungsvolle Herausforderung mit breit gefächerten Aufgabengebieten, ein...
SEA-EU-NET is pleased to announce its second stakeholder conference will take place on 11 and 12 November in the IPB International Convention Centre in Bogor, Indonesia. The Stakeholder conference will bring together policymakers and researchers from Europe and South East Asia to further strengthen bi-regional science and technology co-operation. SEA-EU-NET is now well into its 2nd year and is moving...
The proceedings of the workshop on "Research Priority Setting for International Cooperation" have been recently published by the European Commission. The workshop was held in Brussels on 25-26 September 2007.It contains contributions from Ken Guy (Wise Guys), Klaus Schuch (ZSI), Göran Marklund (Innova), Bernhard Dachs (ARC), Yuko Harayama (Tohoku University), Habiba Hassan-Wassef (Cairo University...
Right from the printing house: Loudin, J. and Schuch, K. (2009): Innovation Cultures: Challenge and Learning Strategy. Filosofia: Prague The book contains 16 social scientific contributions, e.g. Josef Hochgerner (ZSI) ("Innovation Processes in the Dynamics of Social Change", Karel Müller ("Institutional Changes of National Innovation Systems: an Indicator of Innovation Culture"), Henry Etzkowitz ("...
Items per Page: 10, 20, 50

total items: 2139

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