Thinking, Debating, and Shaping Science Diplomacy
Section: Research Policy & Development
Date: 25. January 2023
The general idea of this seminar is to assess the present state of the art of science diplomacy in Europe from three perspectives. The first perspective, labelled Thinking Science Diplomacy, is that of the status of science diplomacy as an academic endeavor. Questions to be tackled are: how are established scientific disciplines (international relations theory, diplomacy, science & society studies, etc.) coping with the concept and practice of science diplomacy? Is there an academic field or an epistemological community in the making? Is there a theory of science diplomacy in the making? How can science diplomacy practices be evaluated? What role should universities and research organizations play?
The second perspective, Debating Science Diplomacy, deals with how science diplomacy is affected by societal challenges such as the geopolitical situation, the shifting nature of diplomacy, the place of science in preserving the global commons, and the role of missions and SDGs in research policy. Also, the question will be addressed if there is a need for science to engage in diplomacy for science that defends scientific values towards fake news and complot thinking.
The third perspective, Shaping Science Diplomacy, is that of how to shape a future for science diplomacy in Europe. Questions to be addressed here include: what is happening at the level of the European institutions? What should academia’s input be? And also: what needs to be done at the level of MFAs and diplomatic missions of the EEAS and Member States? And what about other actors, such as sub-national (regional) level and supra-national (multilateral) level?
Participants will be members of the Alliance, EU institutions and Member State governments, and other stakeholders. The seminar will be organized under Chatham House Rules and participants will speak in a personal capacity.
The main output will be a policy paper of Alliance that can serve as an input to ongoing efforts to formulate a future agenda for science diplomacy in Europe.
Format: The format of the seminar is to have panel interventions followed by an open discussion amongst participants. Each panel will have a moderator that guides the discussion and a rapporteur that provides a synthesis of the debate. The final session will consist of the rapporteurs amalgamating the syntheses of the discussions.
Language of the event: English
ZSI member Elke Dall will speak in the session "shaping science diplomacy".
Type: Event organised by other institutions
Organizer: organised by the UNTRAD Presidency of the European Union Science Diplomacy Alliance, in association with the European Commission, EUTOPIA, and the Norway-EU Science Diplomacy Network
Location: Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD) of the European Commission
Website: ... diplomacy/
Involved ZSI Employees:
- Magª. Elke Dall (attendee, lecturer, invited)
Tags: science diplomacy