News Filter
Are you ready to embark in a 3-year journey into Citizen Science?
STEP CHANGE implements 5 Citizen Science Initiatives

The project STEP CHANGE, funded under H2020 and coordinated by the University of Primorska, has kicked off in March. The project, which has secured more than €2 million funding over the 3 coming years...

Organisation of a Local Policy Focus Group to advance the development of Social Entrepreneurship Monitor

In the framework of the Interreg Project "Finance for Social Change" the local policy focus group workshop for Austria will take place on April 13. The topic focuses on the question, what type of financing...

TRESCA: How to communicate science in a world of misinformation?
Review on the Science Business Annual Conference & feedback to the TRESCA Policy Brief Vol. 1

Science|Business and the TRESCA project - ZSI is part of the project consortiuim - convened a panel to discuss this question. The Trustworthy, Reliable and Engaging Scientific Communication Approaches...

The Social Lab Approach – Experiences from First Hand
Interested in how a Social Lab can really work and how you can benefit from it?

In the framework of the EC funded project NewHoRRIzon 19 Social Labs have been established all over Europe to address the diverse topics of the Horizon 2020 Working Programme.  A Social Lab is...

Kick-off of the R&I partnership between Europe and Africa on renewable energy
New project with ZSI as partner: LEAP-RE supports the transition to renewable energy use and production in Africa.

Africa and Europe’s renewable energy strategy is critical for ensuring the sustainable development of both continents. The LEAP-RE project is committed to supporting research and innovation to develop...

Successful start (and end): S4D4C virtual networking conference
The S4D4C project is coming to an end, the closing event is taking place between 15 and 19 March ...

The S4D4C project (launched in 2018) is coming to an end. S4D4C stands for "Using Science for/in diplomacy for addressing global challenges" which is funded by Horizon 2020 - supporting current and future...

DanubeChance2.0 is supporting entrepreneurs in crisis in the Danube region

DanubeChance2.0 offers an incubation programme for entrepreneurs in crisis in Germany, Hungary, Romanina Slovenia and Serbia. Entrepreneurs in crisis receive coaching and one-on-one-mentoring to help ...

Auf Feldforschung im Marktstandl
ZSI-Forscherin Barbara Glinsner im PRESSE Portrait

"Junge Forschung" heißt eine Reihe der "die PRESSE", die junge Forscher und Forscherinnen, die in Österreich arbeiten, vorstellt. Am 25.2.2021 wurde die ZSI-Mitarbeiterin Barbara Glinsner porträtiert. ...

How can RFOs involve citizens in ethical ways to allow for mutually enriching processes & more sustainable outcomes?

Throughout 2020, the RFO partners of PRO-Ethics spent considerable time sharing and exchanging their experiences from four participatory pilots of our “pilot phase I”. We are excited to share our learnings...

careables - what's that?
An open and inclusive approach to healthcare

The careables project has recently entered a new phase. From a 3-years EC funded project under the lead of ZSI it recently transferred into a global partnership that supports all the communities ...

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