The opportunities for industrial relations to prevent and manage psychosocial risks in post-pandemic workplaces
The PSYR-IR project zooms in on occupational safety and health, with a particular focus on mental health and worker well-being. It is our aim to identify the broad challenges and issues at play, as well as their underlying drivers, across all EU Member States and all economic sectors. This is done by implementing an overarching conceptual framework on OSH and linking it with the existing empirical evidence and the regulatory context on mental health in EU workplaces. Next to this overall analysis, identifying specific groups at-risk on the EU labour market, we also focus on the mental health of two target groups: frontline healthcare workers and production workers.
Furthermore, the project considers the interplay between psychosocial risks and mental health and well-being across economic sectors in the EU27, with case studies covering five EU Member States (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Estonia and Italy). Besides identifying challenges and drivers, the project aims to understand what actors can play a role in addressing them, at different levels (EU, national, sectoral, company level) and what policies, practices, tools, actions and initiatives can be or are being adopted. Specific attention is paid to the role of the social partners and to worker participation in OSH matters. The project will also identify good examples to inspire policy- and decision-makers at different levels.
Methodologically, the project combines desk research, quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis and dissemination techniques. To do so, we bring together partners with expertise on OSH, industrial relations, or both, from countries in different European regions representing different institutional and industrial relations regimes.
- Dr. habil. Ursula Holtgrewe (project leader)
- Lina Klingbacher, BA MSc
Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
- Associazione per gli Studi Internazionali e Comparati sul Diritto del lavoro e sulle Relazioni industriali
- Tallinn University of Technology
- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Coordinator)
Type: Research
Program: SOCPL-2022-IND-REL
Submission Date: 02/2023
Project Status: In progress
Start/End: 11/2023 - 10/2025
Project Duration: 24 months