Research Policy & Development


STone monument Ensambles and the Climate Change Impact

The project aims to turn the potential of necropoles (STECCI) into new opportunities.

The project’s aim is to produce innovative and sustainable protection strategies for cultural heritage from the climate change (CC) impact and consequential natural hazards, environmental pollution, and anthropogenic threats. STECCI is a multidisciplinary project that combines the expert knowledge and skills of conservation and conservation science, climate and environmental sciences, life sciences, social sciences, economy, creative industries, and humanities in order to overcome the challenges posed by CC in the realm of cultural heritage. STECCI will use state-of-the-art research equipment, digital technologies, the newest approaches in social sciences, and conservation practice excellence to achieve the set objectives based on demo cases, which will be translated and applicable beyond Europe.

The ZSI conducts research and application projects on the social embedding and impact of all types of innovations and contributes to the design and diffusion of socially accepted and sustainable innovations to meet global challenges. The WP 5 of the STECCI project (COMMUNITY-BASED IMPACT STRATEGIES FOR A SUSTAINABLE STEĆCI ECOSYSTEM) will be led by ZSI. ZSI will have its contribution mainly in active engagement of citizens, stakeholders and social innovators in preservation of cultural heritage and creating sustainable cultural tourism strategies. The ZSI will adapt the social lab methodology for the STECCI project using a set of agile qualitativemethods and approaches from social sciences and humanities as well as from the practice-led cultural management forpilot activities. ZSI will also lead citizen science activities on behalf of STECCI project.


Section: Research Policy & Development


Related Articles:

Tags: citizen science, climate change, co-creation, cultural heritage, social innovation

Type: Research

Program: HORIZON-CL2-2022-HERITAGE-01

Submission Date: 09/2022

Project Status: In progress

Start/End: 09/2023 - 08/2027

Project Duration: 48 months
