Tackling foreign interference in Research and Innovation
Foreign interference occurs when activities are carried out by, or on behalf of, a foreign actor that are coercive, clandestine, deceptive or corrupting and are contrary to a country's sovereignty, values and national interests (adapted from DESE 2019, 25).
In order to raise awareness on foreign interference in research and innovation among the European Member States and countries associated to Horizon Europe and to increase preparedness against harmful interference acts, the European Commission together with the Member States launches a Mutual Learning Exercise (MLE) on this topic.
This MLE on Foreign Interference will cover the following three topics:
- Topic 1 “Awareness raising & stakeholder engagement.”
- Topic 2 “Understanding and identifying foreign interference threats.”
- Topic 3 “Measures to counter foreign interference threats.”
The MLE is supported by a high-level independent expert panel, which will include the Chair, the Rapporteur and 3 independent experts. ZSI's scientific director, Klaus Schuch, acts as rapporteur for this MLE. The work is carried out under the EC's Policy Support Facility for Horizon Europe.
Section: Research Policy & Development
No partners added yet
Tags: foreign interference, international cooperation, internationalisation, research and innovation policy
Type: Research
Program: Policy Support Facility/Horizon Europe
Project Status: In progress
Start/End: 03/2023 - 11/2024
Project Duration: 21 months