Research Policy & Development


PSF MLE on National strategies and roadmaps for international cooperation in R&I

The Horizon 2020 Policy Support Facility launched a mutual learning exercise with ZSI participation

The purpose of the proposed MLE was to facilitate the exchange of information, experiences and lessons learned, as well as to identify good practices, in relation to the various approaches at national level towards international cooperation in R&I and to the design of national roadmaps/frameworks (i.e. objectives, process, timeframe, indicators, existence of international benchmarking processes, etc.).

The following topics have been addressed in this MLE:

  1. The design and development of national strategies for R&I international cooperation (indicatively: criteria used for choosing objectives and for selecting thematic priorities and target countries or regions, governance aspects, influence of other factors such as science diplomacy and coherence with EU actions/ policies).
  2. How to design the most relevant toolbox (combining tools such as mobility schemes, joint programming, joint calls for proposals, establishment of joint labs, research infrastructures, etc.) to be used in implementing national strategies for R&I international cooperation.
  3. How framework conditions for R&I international cooperation (such as reciprocity, intellectual property rights, openness of national research programmes to entities from other countries, open science, ethics, etc.) are catered for within national strategies for R&I international cooperation.

14 countries (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Moldova, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Sweden and Turkey) participated in the MLE.

The chair of this MLE was Mrs Gunnel Gustafsson, assissted by

  • Rapporteur: Klaus Schuch (ZSI)
  • Expert on topic 2: Patries Boekholt
  • Expert on topic 3: Totti Konnola 

At the end of the project, 13 recommendations have been delivered, see


Section: Research Policy & Development

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Tags: international cooperation, internationalisation, policy analysis, policy recommendations, research and innovation policy, research policy

Type: Research

Program: Horizon 2020

Project Status: Finished

Submission Date: 01/2019

Project Duration: 13 months

Start/End: 03/2019 - 03/2020