SEA-EU-NET 2 built upon and leveraged strong EU-SEA S&T relationships, developed through past support and coordination actions, in order to deepen engagement and build momentum in S&T (Science & Technology) cooperation. It broadened the scope of EU-SEA cooperation through stimulating sustainable innovation collaborations.
SEA-EU-NET 2 focused on three societal challenges: Health, Food security, and safety and Water management, where the greatest opportunities can be leveraged from joint EU-SEA (Southeast Asian) research. SEA-EU-NET 2 serves as a platform for all stakeholders across governments, funders, practitioners, and the private sector, in order to ensure a complete and integrated approach to developing sustainable STI (Science, Technology, Innovation) collaboration that jointly tackles societal challenges. It focused on:
- Dialogue: To strengthen bi-regional and bilateral EU-ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) dialogues in S&T cooperation
- Decision-Making: To report to policy makers in both Europe and Southeast Asia in order to pave the way to implement new ambitious bi-regional activities in STI
- Jointly Tackling Societal Challenges: To focus on joint efforts on a selected set of thematic areas, namely Health, Food security and safety, and Water management. In focusing on these topics, the project evaluates EU-SEA S&T cooperation, runs workshops to bring scientists together, and supports young scientists develop new funding schemes to broaden and deepen the collaboration
- Networking: To network different stakeholders to build bi-regional networks and to strengthen research capacity
- Sustainability: To ensure that all activities deliver impact beyond the lifespan of the project in order to develop sustainable partnerships
The project will had lasting impact on (1) a structured and substantiated policy dialogue between ASEAN and the EU, (2) the promotion of the ERA in Southeast Asia, (3) the role of the EU as major partner in research cooperation and innovation by jointly tackling societal challenges, and (4) the development of new funding schemes in research and academic mobility. The Southeast Asia-Europe Joint Funding Scheme for Research and Innovation is an outcome of the SEA-EU-NET project.
Major outputs of the ZSI-led analysis work in the project include:
- a journal publication on the Southeast Asian knowledge economy
- a policy-oriented study on the ASEAN Economic Community and innovation framework conditions in Southeast Asia, with a focus on patent regimes
- a policy-oriented study on innovation support instruments in Southeast Asia
- a visualisation of Southeast Asia-Europe co-publications
The results of the analyses have been made available and fed into discussions at a number of policy events (ASEAN-EU Senior Officials Dialogue meetings, for instance) and conferences (e.g. in the framework of Euraxess).
- Dr. Alexander Degelsegger-Márquez (project leader)
- Ing. Bernhard Bauch
- Dr. Cosima Blasy
- Mag. Philipp Brugner, BA
- Mag. Florian Gruber (on leave)
- DI Dietmar Lampert
- Mag. Maximilian Wollner
- Ingmar Karner
- DI Stefan Philipp
Section: Research Policy & Development
- Project Management Agency at the DLR (German Aerospace Center) (Coordinator)
- Agricultural Research Centre for International Development
- Asian Institute of Technology
- British High Commission Singapore
- Euresearch
- Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen
- Ministry of State for Research and Technology, Indonesia
- NACESTI National Centre for Scientific and Technological Information
- National Centre for Scientific Research
- NSTDA National Science and Technology Development Agency
- Polish Academy of Sciences
- Regional Centre for Information and Scientific Development Ltd
- Research Council of Norway
- Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovacao - Consultadoria Empresarial e Fomento da Inovacao S.A.
- TUBITAK Scientific and Technologcial Research Council of Turkey
Related Articles:
- News: Review on SEA-EU-NET's "Public Procurement for Innovation Workshop"
- Event: Einladung: SEA-EU-NET STI Days 2015 in Paris mit ExpertInnen-Inputs des ZSI
- News: SEA-EU-NET 2 project published a new info-poster
- News: SEA-EU-NET 2 bei der Technology Innovation International Konferenz in Singapur
- News: Southeast Asia - Europe Pilot Joint Call for Mobility
- News: SEA-EU-NET II bereitet sich auf das Half-Time Meeting in Hanoi, Vietnam, vor
- News: Newsletter on International Cooperation Activities published
- News: Newsletter on International Cooperation Activities published
- Event: ASEAN-EU Science, Technology and Innovation Days 2016
- News: SEA-EU-NET II project with final public event in Brussels
- Event: ASEAN-EU Science, Technology, and Innovation Days 2015
- News: Review: ASEAN-EU Science, Technology and Innovation Days 2014 in Bangkok
- Publication: Spotlight on: Stimulating innovation in Southeast Asia
- Publication: Regional knowledge economies and global innovation networks – the case of Southeast Asia
- Publication: Spotlight on: Science and Technology Cooperation Between Southeast Asia and Europe
Tags: innovation, innovation systems analysis, internationalisation, Southeast Asia
Type: Networks
Program: 7th Framework Programme (INCO)
Submission Date: 11/2011
Project Status: Finished
Start/End: 10/2012 - 04/2017
Project Duration: 55 months