Research Policy & Development

Indicators to Measure Internationalisation of Science and Research

Internationalisation Indicators

This study produced a commented list of possible indicators, which can be used to assess the internationalisation of R&D (Research & Development).

Firstly, it describes the reference framework of R&D internationalisation, along with its relations to international competitiveness and national reward and allocation schemes. Secondly, it elaborates on relevant indicators by distinguishing between three analytical levels: the level of individual researchers, the level of research organisations, and the level of R&D systems and policies. Thirdly, it analyses the pros and cons of bibliometric analysis by refereeing to a co-publication analysis made by ZSI about joint Indian-Austrian co-publications.

The study concludes that – due to the scarcity of data – European and international efforts should be initiated to guarantee a comparable data basis. Secondly, it recommends a decision on a few internationalisation indicators in order to meet the requirements of the new federal budget law and its emphasis on impact monitoring. The decision should be based on a logical impact model.


Section: Research Policy & Development

Funding institutions and customers:

Tags: indicators, internationalisation, research policy

Type: Research

Project Status: Finished

Start/End: 01/2010 - 08/2011

Project Duration: 20 months