Technology and Knowledge

PEER - Sapere aude! Dare to be wise!

Digital peer learning for adults 50plus

Along Horac's motto "Sapere aude!" (which means: dare to be wise) PEER aims to support peer-to-peer learning approaches in later life which is challenged to design innovative approaches. Online social platforms and especially 50plus platforms hold a tremendous potential for sustaining the older people’s learning opportunites whose lives are bound by their immediate environment.
Thus, PEER aims a) to identify, test and adapt a set of lightweighted open source Web 2.0 tools, and b) to investigate motivating factors for peer-to-peer learning of older people. All investigative activites will be based on participatroy user involvement methods.
By meeting the needs of a large and growing demographic group following core results are envisaged:

  1. Guidelines (in all 23 EU languages) on how to motivate older people for P2P learning in general and on 50plus platforms in particular, by instructing on pedagogical, organisation and technical aspects including quality standards for setting up targeted online P2P learning tools.
  2. A package of costumised open source Web 2.0 tools, translated into German, English, Dutch, Polish and Portugues) will be disseminated to operators of 50plus platforms and 3rd Age Universities throughout EU27.
  3. Network meetings in the six partner countries with the target groups for continouse dialogue and exploitation purposes.

PEER constitutes a significant breakthrough in the innovative application of Web 2.0 tools to enable older people to exchange knowledge and to enjoy entertainment.


Section: Technology and Knowledge



Related Articles:

Tags: ageing society, lifelong learning, social inclusion, technology enhanced learning

Type: Research

Program: LLP, Grundtvig

Submission Date: 02/2011

Project Status: Finished

Start/End: 10/2011 - 12/2013

Project Duration: 27 months
