
Research results of the Lost Millennials project

29. Jan. 2024

...As the project wraps up, it has generated valuable research results that are set to make a lasting impact...

Throughout the project partners have carried out significant research on the situation and challenges of 25+ NEETs, the policy contexts relevant for the target group, mapping existing initiatives addressing this group, as well as evaluation practices already in place, evaluations of initiatives supporting 25+ NEETs, and analyses of the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on this specific group. In addition, project partners have also developed recommendations for policy and practice based on the learnings from the project.

The results of these research activities are available on the project website (, as follows:

  1. Transnational research report on the situation of 25+ NEETs in the EU and in beneficiary countries
  2. Analysis of the policy context addressing 25+ NEETs: Country reports and Synthesis report
  3. Mapping of initiatives addressing 25+ NEETs: Country reports and Synthesis report
  4. Mapping of evaluation practices: Country reports and Synthesis report
  5. Country reports on the evaluation of selected initiatives addressing 25+ NEETs in beneficiary partner countries
  6. Synthesis report on the evaluation of initiatives addressing 25+ NEETs
  7. Impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on 25+ NEETs: Country reports and Synthesis report
  8. National-level policy briefs of beneficiary partners
  9. Pathways to labour market activity: Crafting effective policies for 25+ NEETs in Europe – A transnational policy note

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