
The EU's scientific cooperation with China on emerging technologies

19. Sep. 2023

Dissecting the cooperation patterns between EU27/AC and China in AI, Machine Learning and Big Data.

In September ZSI finished its work on a public report in the ReConnect China project. It contributes to one of ReConnect China’s main research topics (China's science and technology performance, both domestically and globally) and includes a co-publication and co-patent analysis capturing the cooperation intensity between universities, research institutes and private companies from the 27 EU Member States plus United Kingdom, Norway and Switzerland on the, and their counterparts from China on the other hand. The study’s focus has been specifically limited to the scientific fields of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Big Data, given their strategic importance for both regions as key emerging technologies to leverage the digital transformation.

This report may be conducive to any European R&I stakeholder already involved or considering to cooperate with China in the fields of AI, ML and BD. It caters to the needs of a growing European demand to understand China’s involvement in science, technology and innovation cooperation with European actors better, in particular in the light of mounting concerns regarding security risks, the disregard of research integrity and the misuse of civilian research for military purposes (dual use) which are currently overshadowing the related discourse. The report should be understood as a solid empirical basis and incentive to recalibrate this discourse with an emphasis on giving space to the manifold opportunities in EU-China STI cooperation.

More information on the ReConnect China website.

Foto von Hitesh Choudhary auf Unsplash


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