
MEnt final conference on December 11 in Brussels

7. Nov. 2018

Transferability aspects with regard to migrant entrepreneurship

Since beginning of 2017, the AMIF-funded project MEnt (Migrant Entrepreneurs team-up with mentors) aims at facilitating, fostering and strengthening migrant entrepreneurship in five EU countries (Austria, Belgium, Italy, France and Germany) through light incubation cycles supported by mentors.

The results of the project will be presented at a final event in Brussels. Short inputs regarding analysis and evaluation, the open-source toolkit with index cards for materials developed, guidelines how to use the methodology, as well as a policy brief will be followed by a panel discussion on transferability aspects.

It is with pleasure that we invite representatives of NGOs, social and economic interest groups, partner organisations of other EU-funded projects targeting migrants and/or entrepreneurship, EU officials as well as researchers engaged in the field are invited to join us in Brussels on the morning of Tuesday, December 11th, 2018 for half-day conference of the MEnt project, hosted by TuR&Bo, to exchange experiences and discuss how to support potential migrant entrepreneurs, benefitting the host societies as well.

If you are interested to join, please send an informal message to Carmen Siller ( for registration.

Event location:

TuR&Bo - Turkish Research and Business Organisations

Avenue de l'Yser 5

1040 Brussels


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Tags: entrepreneurship, migration