
ResInfra@DR project: Successfull call with high response rate!

30. Jul. 2018

355 experts responded to the Open Call for the registry of research infrastructure reviewers

In April, the ResInfra@DR project launched an Open Call for experienced evaluators who want to be included in a registry of research infrastructure (RI) reviewers. The registry will be used primarily by relevant ministries, financing authorities, agencies in charge of RIs, and research organisations planning RI investments in the Danube region countries.

Reviewers, who were invited to apply through an online registration form, had to fulfil several conditions, including a university degree and professional background in one or more of the relevant science fields (Natural Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Medical and Health Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities), and previous experience in RI evaluations, evaluations of research proposals, or evaluation of research institutions.

The Open Call expired on 20 July 2018. In the three months, while the Call was active, the ResInfra@DR consortium received 355 applications from 34 different countries. By far the largest number of applications are from Romania, followed by Slovakia, Bulgaria and Bosnia-Herzegovina. The Call was not limited only to experts from the Danube region countries, and although the majority of applications are from these countries, ResInfra@DR received quite a few applications from other European states, and even some applications from experts who reside outside Europe.

What comes next?
All applications are evaluated by a commission, consisting of six members of ResInfra@DR team, and the information about the approved reviewers will be inserted into the registry. In September, all reviewers will be invited to approve and revise their profiles before the draft version of the registry is presented to the relevant stakeholders in the Danube region countries.

Country of current residence of the experts who submitted their applications for the registry:

·         Albania: 3

·         Austria: 5

·         Belgium: 3

·         Bosnia and Herzegovina: 22

·         Bulgaria: 23

·         Canada: 2

·         Croatia: 11

·         Czech Republic: 6

·         Estonia: 2

·         Finland: 1

·         France: 2

·         Germany: 2

·         Greece: 8

·         Hungary: 13

·         Ireland: 1

·         Italy: 11

·         Laos: 1

·         Norway: 2

·         Macedonia: 1

·         Malta: 1

·         Moldova: 2

·         Poland: 4

·         Portugal: 1

·         Romania: 150

·         Serbia: 5

·         Slovakia: 57

·         Slovenia: 3

·         Spain: 4

·         Sweden: 2

·         Trinidad and Tobago: 1

·         Turkey: 1

·         Ukraine: 1

·         USA: 2

·         UK: 2

Learn more about the project and read ResInfra@DR news:

Image source: Pixabay, Danube delta photo by Falco, CC0 licence

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Tags: Danube Region, evaluation, research infrastructures

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