
Call extended! ResInfra@DR - Training with focus on research infrastructure

5. Jan. 2018

Enhance your capacity: evaluation, planning, monitoring, impact steered operation & management of RIs!

The ResInfra@DR project is funded under INTERREG Danube Transnational Programme, supported by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA), and co-funded by the project partners or from national public co-funding and state contributions. The key objective of the ResInfra@DR is to contribute to the efforts for establishing new research infrastructures (RIs) and for upgrading of the existing ones by strengthening the relevant capacities, which adequately reflect the specific situation in the Danube macro region.

Call for Participants
ResInfra@DR project is organising a training to build capacity for ex-ante evaluation of research infrastructures, planning of research infrastructures (RIs), monitoring of existing RIs and identification of expected impacts of RIs. The training is primarily aimed at RI programme owners and the funding authorities, RI managers and operators (hosts), as well as potential reviewers of RIs. The participation is restricted to citizens of the Danube macro-region countries.

Please see the Open Call for Participation in Training for more information (please find the attachment below) and fill in the Application Form (please find the attachment below).
!!New deadline for the submission of application is Friday, 12 January 2018, 17:00 CET!!

If you need further information, please contact Mr Marko Hajdinjak at
More detailed information about the ResInfra@DR project can be found here:

Photo credit: ©Giorgio Montersino via Flickr CC BY-SA


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Tags: Danube Region, research and innovation management, research infrastructures

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