
Twinning Grants: Facilitation of cooperation between research organisations from EU and Central Asian/Eastern Partnership countries

17. Jun. 2014

Research cooperation EU & Central Asia/Eastern Partnership countries

The project IncoNet CA has launched its twinning scheme to facilitate research cooperation of EU MS with Central Asian countries

The project IncoNet EaP has launched its twinning scheme to facilitate research cooperation of EU MS with Eastern Partnership countries

The main goal of the twinning action is to enhance mutual learning, to strengthen cooperation between the EU member states and Central Asia/Eastern Partnership countries and to facilitate sustainable scientific, technological and innovation EU-CA/EU-EaP projects. This goal shall be practically implemented through granting projects of twinning teams, which will ultimately support the preparations for proposals for EU HORIZON 2020 calls.

These two seperate calls focus on three general topics strongly interlinked with the following societal challenges:

  • Climate change
  • Health
  • Energy

The specific call information can be found for  Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tadjikistan, Turkmenistan,  Uzbekistan) on:

The specific call information can be found for  Eastern Partnership countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine) on:

INCO project news