
Western Balkan Working Group on R&I and Open Science

Regional Cooperation Council invites ZSI to present new project

Section: Research Policy & Development

Date: 4. February 2022

On 4th of February the 6th meeting takes place of the working group on Research and Innovation and Open Science. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss key planned and potential actions in 2022. Invitations were extended to DG Research and Innovation, European Institute of Innovation and Technology, EUREKA Network, Enterprise Europe Network, COST Association.

The recently approved project POLICY ANSWERS (Support for R&I policymaking in the WB under the Horizon Europe Widera programme) was also invited to introduce itself. While the negotiations are still ongoing, this is an exciting opportunity to introduce the activities to the relevant stakeholders.

Type: Event organised by other institutions

Organizer: RCC

Location: online

Involved ZSI Employees:

Tags: Balkan

INCO project news