Paving the way for joint actions in the Danube Region: 2nd Stakeholders Workshop of Danube-INCO.NET
Section: Research Policy & Development
Date: 30. October 2015
This is the 2nd Stakeholders Workshop of the Danube-INCO.NET project, and is co-organised by ZSI in the frame of the 4th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region taking place this year in Ulm, Germany, on 30th October between 11.30 - 13.00. The workshop is held under the thematic field of "Building Prosperity" and aims at providing an opportunity to learn about their activities, facilitating discussion on the harmonization of their activities or possible joint actions.
Special support is also supposed to be put on reinforcing policy dialogue among these stakeholders, facilitating the harmonization of their priorities, preparing a basis for joint actions, their involvement in the implementation of the EUSDR, as well as facilitating dialogue within the triple helix. Circa 30-40 representatives of regional and international organizations, national ministries, etc. from the Danube region or beyond are expected to attend the event. The final list of speakers will be available soon.
Under the framework of the Danube-INCO.NET the report on Mapping of relevant stakeholders describing activities, positions, and good practices including recommendations for synergies was finished in April 2015. It examined 40 stakeholders including initiatives and programmes. Special attention was devoted to the outcomes of their recent activities, good practices to be transferred to other programmes or initiatives, and their future priorities in order to define synergies and formulate policy recommendations. Detailed proposals were formulated relating to
- Reinforced policy dialogue among regional stakeholders to exploit synergies and achieve mutual goals;
- Enhanced involvement of stakeholders in the implementation of EUSDR;
- Extending joint programmes to connect and exploit their potentials of the Region;
- Practical support to the RI community;
- Strengthened dialogue among the academia – industry – government.
For more background information, please click here
Type: Collaborative event (ZSI as co-organiser)
Organizer: Danube-INCO.NET
Location: Ulm, Germany
Website: ... vent/15790
Involved ZSI Employees:
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