Tatjana Neuhuber, MMSc
Bereich: Arbeit & Chancengleichheit
- Phone: ++43-1-495 04 42 / 59
- Fax: ++43-1-495 04 42 / 40
- Email: neuhuber@zsi.at
Arbeits- und Forschungsschwerpunkte:
Tatjana holds a BSc in Economics, a BA in Sociology, a MSc in International Social and Public Policy and a MSc in Geography. She joined the ZSI in October 2020. Before, she worked as a Research Assistant at the University of Vienna where she contributed to several European-wide projects on socioeconomic inequalities, territorial cohesion and urbanisation. Furthermore, she worked as a Research Assistant at a Think Tank in London where she was undertaking qualitative and quantitative research concerning health, democracy and humanitarian assistance in the Middle East. In her previous work she has also focused on the evaluation of political campaigns and policies as well as local capacity building. Currently, she is a doctoral student at the Vienna University of Technology centering her research around the relationship of spatial inequalities and fsocial infrastructure.
Laufende und abgeschlossene Projekte:
- Danube4SEecosystem (2024)
- AeroMobil (2023)
- Corona-Verständigungsprozess - Fallstudie "Distance Learning / Schulschließungen" im Auftrag der ÖAW (2023)
- Health Labs4Value (2023)
- ADA VET - Mobilizing Austrian Vocational Training Know-How in Africa (2022)
- Befragung unter den Unterstützer:innen der Initiative: Forschungsvielfalt (2022)
- Integration im Fokus - Stadt Graz (2021)
- Assessment of the "Social Crowdfunding" pilot (2021)
- SIVOCS - Social Innovation as Valuation and Outcome Category of SNSF Funded Research (2021)
- BMK Strategie für Humanpotential in FTI (2020)
Weitere Publikationen:
Neuhuber, T., & Schneider, A. E. (2024). The role of public social expenditure for mitigating local income inequality: An investigation across spatial scales in Austria. Journal of Regional Science. https://doi.org/10.1111/jors.12722
Teilnahme an folgenden Veranstaltungen:
Early Career Research Conference
- Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund
21. 09. 2022 - 23. 09. 2022
Ausbildung und beruflicher Werdegang:
2021 - 2024: PhD in Spatial Planning, Vienna University of Technology
2021 - 2024: MSc in Geography
2020 - today: University Assistant, Vienna University of Technology
2020 - today: Research Assistant, Centre for Social Innovation
2019 - 2020: Research Assistant, Centre for Cities
2018 - 2019: MSc in International Social and Public Policy, London School of Economics and Political Science
2018 - 2019: Research Assistant, ORB International
2017 - 2019: Research Assistant, University of Vienna
2015 - 2018: BA in Sociology, University of Vienna
2014 - 2018: BSc in Economics, Vienna University of Economics and Business