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Join the Untangled virtual expert cafe!
We talk about digitalisation, globalisation, migration, work, employment, skills, and more.

The Virtual Expert Café series is an open format driven by participants’ contributions. During our informal online gatherings, experts, researchers and stakeholders from the fields of digitalisation, ...

Wie kooperiert Österreich mit Nordamerika?
Studie des ZSI und der WWTF GmbH untersucht Mobilitäts- und Forschungskooperationen zwischen Österreich und Nordamerika

Die im Auftrag des BMBWF entstandene Studie "Bestandsaufnahme der Kooperation und Vernetzung österreichischer und nordamerikanischer Forschender, FTI-Stakeholder und -Institutionen" ist im Repositorium...

25. Mai 2022
SozialMarie 2022
SozialMarie 2022
Preisverleihung an erfolgreich implementierte soziale Innovationen in sechs EU Mitgliedsländern

SozialMarie ist ein Preis für soziale Innovation, der jedes Jahr an 15 – im wahrsten Sinn des Wortes – ausgezeichnete Projekte vergeben wird. Mit der ersten Ausschreibung im Jahr 2004 und der Verleihung...

Social innovation in energy transition
New paper co-authored by ZSI researchers published

Driving the theoretical and empirical discussion on social innovation (SI) forward is one of the key interests of ZSI. Based on the manifold project portfolio that ZSI is involved in, social innovation...

Call for mirror regions open!
Building up a Community of Practice.

In the frame of the H2020 funded project RIPEET ‘Responsible research and Innovation Policy Experimentations in Energy Transition’, we are building a community of passionate #regional representatives (...

Das SEED-Hub Projekt lädt zum Social Business Forum Brunch & Roadshow am 31. Mai nach Eisenstadt ein!

Die Veranstaltung mit optional anschließendem Besuch eines erfolgreichen Beispiels in der Region und der Möglichkeit viele Partnerorganisationen persönlich zu treffen ist ein weiterer Höhepunkt im Rahmen...

The long-awaited ETHNA Lab training materials have just been published

After months of development the ETHNA Lab method and training materials (Deliverable 5.3) have been released and are being put into practice. The deliverable includes a guide on the ETHNA Lab...

How to develop successful training formats and support Citizen Science projects?
A perspective from the ZSI team in the Step Change project

Our colleague Carmen Siller, Project Manager at ZSI, was interviewed for the Step Change project to talk about the experience in developing training formats in the context of citizen science projects. ...

The Open Future of Product Creation
Can Open Source Hardware become a common given?

Between 2019-2022, the OPEN!NEXT project will set out to challenge and fundamentally change the future of product creation by making open source hardware (OSH) development more accessible to a larger ...

Teaching kids bioeconomy … but how?
Teaching kids bioeconomy is a great ambition, but not always an easy one.

In the framework of the Transition2Bio project, we provide for interested teachers inspirations and practical tips & tricks for implementing bioeconomy activities for kids. Watch our training recordings...

Rural Social Innovation Strategy
Identifying fields of intervention for SI

The “Transnational Rural Social Innovation Development Strategy” created by ZSI reflects on the experiences of the Interreg Central Europe project CERUSI, connects them to theoretical and conceptual underpinnings...

Key takeaways from the TRESCA & RETHINK project joint final conference
ZSI chaired Panel 4: The future of public trust: what role for policy?

On March 21st and 22nd 2022, the TRESCA and RETHINK joint final conference was hosted online and in Brussels. The conference was entitled ‘Connections, Conversations and Science Communication: The future...

TRESCA MOOC - online course on science communication
ZSI was one of the co-developers and created Module 4 with a focus on scicom and policy making.

Starting on March 21 2022, you can sign up for the course titled “Communicating trustworthy information in the digital world” on Coursera via the course’s home page. The course is available free of charge...

Radio Wien informiert über das Projekt SIAMESE
Klimaschutz in Österreich - nicht nur Technologie, sondern auch Verhaltensänderung wird benötigt!

Hier können Sie das kurze Interview mit Dr. Johannes Suitner von der TU-Wien zum SIAMESE-Projekt, das gemeinsam mit dem ZSI durchgeführt wird, nachhören. SIAMESE wird vom Austrian Climate Research Programme...

Climate Action via Participatory Video making
Generating synergies between climate change, digital skills and social inclusion

In the Climatubers project (Erasmus+), a ZSI team is implementing a series of workshops on participatory video making with young adults who are not in education or employment and have special educational...

Evaluierung des FWF Programms zur Entwicklung und Erschließung der Künste (PEEK)
Das BMBWF und der FWF laden am 25.5. herzlich zur Präsentation der vom ZSI durchgeführten Evaluierung von PEEK ein

Seit 2009 nimmt der FWF mit PEEK international eine Vorreiterrolle bei der Förderung von künstlerisch-wissenschaftlicher Forschung ein. Hierbei geht es um die Förderung von arts-based Research von hoher...

POLICY ANSWERS sets out to support integration of the Western Balkans
The European project will work for 4 years supporting cooperation in R&I, education, culture, youth and sport

The newly-launched European project, called POLICY ANSWERS, will deploy a vast array of tools – from high-level meetings to information services, from launching pilot activities to policy recommendations...

Bioeconomy hands-on session for Kindergarten - Colouring Easter eggs
Is it possible to make also small kids understand what bioeconomy is? Yes, it is!

Many families will colour eggs this Easter but in the Kindergarten Gröbming (AT), the Transition2Bio project team of ZSI showed children on the 10th of April 2022 how to do it in an environmental friendly...

Pub forscht online 5.0: das Citizen-Science-Pub Quiz

Wußten Sie, dass einer der ersten Verkaufsautomaten von Heron von Alexandria Weihwasser nach Münzeinwurf ausgab? Oder dass der geplante Start vom James Webb Teleskop tatsächlich länger verschoben werden...

The Lost Millennials project has launched!
Das Projekt zielt darauf ab, Evaluationspraktiken von Arbeitsmarktinitiativen für 25+ NEETs zu verbessern

Das Projekt “Lost Millennials – Transnational research network for the evaluation of initiatives targeting 25+NEETs” hat im Novemebr 2021 begonnen und wird durch den zweiten Call des Fund for Youth Employment...

Austrian study analyses  transformation to Open Access in science
New publication "Open Access im Wandel" by Katja Mayer (in German only)

In the context of the preparations for an Austrian national ERA Action Plan, the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science, and Research commissioned a study on the current situation in Austria (...

Online SciCom course: Communicating trustworthy information in the digital world
The MOOC is part of the European TRESCA project: ZSI provides insights in Module 4 "The Policy Maker".

As we observe that science and facts are being called into question, what can be done? The TRESCA project is developing a massive open online course (MOOC) to explore this question directly and to improve...

RETHINK-TRESCA final online event on 21-22/03: REGISTER NOW!
Connections, Conversations and Science Communication – The future of public trust in times of uncertainty

Monday 21st and Tuesday 22nd March 2022 | Online Register now – participation is free of charge. TRESCA project partner ZSI will host panel 4 on "The future of public trust: what role for policy...

Irina Vana/ZSI spricht mit Markus Koza/Grüne und Rolf Gleißner/WKO zur Zukunft der Arbeitslosenversicherung

Arbeitsminister Martin Kocher plant eine umfassende Arbeitsmarktreform. Irina Vana sprach für das MoMagazin mit Markus Koza, Sozialsprecher der Grünen im Parlament, und Rolf Gleißner, Abteilungsleiter...

Russian attack on the Ukraine
Restore peace!

ZSI has many professional contacts in the Russian Federation and Ukraine, and has been able to make good friends here and there. We are all the more shocked by the ongoing violent events in the region...

ZSI joins a new European research action on China
The EC selected the Horizon Europe project "ReConnect China" with involvement of ZSI for funding

We are pleased to announce that the Horizon Europe project "ReConnect China: Generating independent knowledge for a resilient future with China for Europe and its citizens" with involvement of ZSI successfully...

Supporting the Green Deal and a fair transition

With this press release the European Science Foundations as coordinator and jointly with its partners inform about the "Launch of ACCTING - AdvanCing behavioural Change Through an Inclusive Green deal...

Launching mAkE - the African European Maker Innovation Ecosystem
Kicking-off the international partnership building under ZSI coordination

ZSI is coordinating the mAkE project - African European Maker Innovation Ecosystems.  In 3 years, starting from February 2022, the project aims to facilitate the collaboration between...

Der SEED-Hub Newsletter Nr. 3 steht zum Download bereit!
Aktivitäten zur Stärkung sozialer Unternehmen & Social Entrepreneurs in der Grenzregion SK/AT!

Die dritte Ausgabe berichtet über die kommende SEED-Hub Veranstaltungsserie, organisiert vom SEED-Hub Projektpartner Fachhochschule Burgenland (FHB): Soziale Unternehmer*innen schaffen den Spagat zwischen...

Making European research and innovation more socially responsible
Making research and innovation more inclusive, transparent and aligned with social needs is difficult in practice.

NewHoRRIzon developed approaches to foster responsible research and innovation. Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) is an approach which considers the social impacts of research and innovation...

Revenue Model for Open Hardware released
When talking about open source development, many ask “How do I make money if I give away my product for free?”.

Well, now you can find the answer in the new Revenue Model Catalogue from OPEN!NEXT; an easy-to-digest categorisation of the revenue streams of established Open Source Hardware businesses and the strategic...

Open Virtual Expert Café
The second Open Virtual Expert Café of the UNTANGLED project takes place on February 3rd between 2 and 3:30 CET

This is an open format driven by participants’ contributions. It can be a platform for you to promote an ongoing project or research, tap into attendants’ collective intelligence for a specific question...

'EU4TECH PoC' project has come to an end
ZSI applauds the successful technical assistance for ideas from the Western Balkans to move towards the market

This impressive project was implemented by a group of international experts under a contract with the Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations of the European Commission (under...

RURAL SOCIAL INNOVATION Network launched at closing event of the CERUSI project
The project‘s outputs were presented on January 20th to raise awareness on rural social innovation in Central Europe

After a warm welcome, ZSI’s colleagues Wolfgang Haider and Dr. Stefanie Konzett-Smoliner gave an overview of the CERUSI project and policy implications of the Transnational Rural Social Innovation Strategy...

The future of Citizen Science
Citizen Science in Europe is growing!

we are very happy to be part of the ECS - European Citizen Science - consortium, which is going to launch a new project, funded under Horizon Europe. ECS will widen and strengthen the European Citizen...

The Role of Citizens in EU Missions Implementation - online event
Join the 1st Citizen Science Helix event on Feb 8th, 2022 and hear about citizens’ roles in EU missions implementation

EU Missions are a novelty of the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme. They are a new way to bring concrete solutions to some of our greatest challenges. With ambitious goals, they will...

First successful Horizon Europe project proposals at ZSI
The new acronyms to remember: NEVERMORE and POLICY ANSWERS!

ZSI is happy to announce its first successful project proposals in Horizon Europe: 1) NEVERMORE is invited to grant negotiations The project is a Research and Innovation Action in Cluster 5...

Invitation to CERUSI event: How to foster social innovation in rural areas
Thursday, 20 January 2022, 10:00 - 11:30 A.M.

The aim of CERUSI (Central European Rural Social Innovation) is to strenghten social innovation and social entrepreneurship in rural areas throughout Central Europe.  CERUSI is organising its ...

Towards clearer and more accessible science communication
SWAFS projects tackle knowledge gap in science communictaion

As citizen participation and clear communication in science become more important, the Commission provides an overview on projects which are tackling this knowledge gap and striving to improve the way...

ZSI represented in ROSiE’s Stakeholder Forum
ZSI researcher Katharina Koller represented in Stakeholder Forum of the ROSiE project.

Since December 2021, Katharina Koller represents Zentrum für Soziale Innovation GmbH in the Stakeholder Forum of the ROSiE project. ROSiE is a three-year H2020 project aiming to foster responsible ...

Let us not lose confidence!
ZSI wishes you a Happy and Healthy New Year!

Begutachtung auf dem Prüfstand
Oder: Wer evaluiert eigentlich die Evaluatoren? Ö1 Dimensionen zum Nachhören mit Statements von Klaus Schuch

Der von Mariann Unterluggauer in der Sendereihe Dimensionen (Ö1) gestaltete Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit der Praxis von Evaluierung. Forschungsförderungsstellen, Wissenschaftsministerien, Universitäten...

News: IKT-Tools als Ressourcen und Grenzen im Kontext der TAAFE-Piloten
Die Mitteilung befasst sich mit den Herausforderungen, des unerwartet hohen Einsatzes von IKT-Tools im Projekt

Mitteilung 4: Anpassung der TAAFE-Piloten an den COVID-Kontext: IKT-Tools als Ressourcen und Grenzen Seit Ende 2020 und vor allem Anfang 2021 adaptieren die fünf Piloten des TAAFE-Projekts (Stadt Treviso...

20. Dez 2021
Gender Equality Plan
Gender Equality Plan
Gleichstellungssituation am ZSI

Ab Jänner 2022 ist ein Gender Equality Plan ein verpflichtendes Zulassungskriterium für öffentliche Einrichtungen, Forschungsorganisationen und Hochschuleinrichtungen für Einreichungen zum Europäischen...

Selected Results of work and accessible resources

Running from mid-2018 to 12/2021 the project Finance4SocialChange has created valuable outcomes and accessible and most tangible results are listed in this news entry... A vast collection of important...

How to create better science communciation
New blogpost by the TRESCA project on interim findings

Crises like COVID-19 can be an opportunity to reframe conversations around politics, research funding and governance. Promoting robust and transparent scientific and transdisciplinary methods, supported...

ZSI researchers Dietmar Lampert and Gábor Szüdi detail their work undertaken so far! Learn more

The goal of the project “Ethics Governance System for RRI in Higher Education, Funding and Research Centres”, in short ETHNA System, is to implement and enforce an internal management and procedural system...

A proud member of the Platform Research and Technology Policy Evaluation
Evaluation Talent Award goes to María del Carmen Calatrava Moreno and Magdalena Wicher

The Austrian Platform for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation (FTEval) celebrates soon its 25th anniversary. Klaus Schuch, scientific director of ZSI and managing director of the Platform FTEval...

MEDIENECHO 25. Nov 2021
Wenn Laien kreativ forschen
Wenn Laien kreativ forschen
... ein Beitrag von Johannes Lau, Der Standard, über ZSI-Projekte

Im Interview mit den beiden ZSI-Expertinnen Pamela Bartar und Barbara Kieslinger portraitiert Johannes Lau, Der Standard, ZSI-Projekte an der Schnittstelle zwischen Forschung, Kunst und Maker Spaces. "...

Citizen Science in Europe
stories from 3 years of EU-Citizen.Science

During the last three years, the EU-Citizen.Science project created a hub for Citizen Science in Europe. Watch how you can make use of it (in English with German subtitles):    &...

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