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Insights from and for Austria

The worrying sustainability trends of European lifestyles call for long-term measures and moreover, for strong stakeholder engagement and endorsement of policy measures. In order to address needs that...

Neue Wege und Methoden zur Entfaltung des Potenzials sozialer Innovationen

Am 20. und 21. September 2016 veranstaltet die Sozialforschungsstelle der TU Dortmund in Kooperation mit dem Institut für Technikfolgenabschätzung und Systemanalyse den Kongress „Innovationen für die ...

Are there radically different scientific practices emerging based on digital technologies?

Open Digital Science (ODS) and Open Science describe new and open practices in science, research and innovation that make extensive use of digital technologies. The use of digital technologies facilitates...

The website serves as a main information hub for stakeholders interested in EU-UA R&I cooperation

RI-LINKS2UA is a three year long project, which is funded by HORIZON 2020, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. The project includes a total of twelve different project partners, coming...

[Call for application] Black Sea Horizon Grant Scheme. Deadline: July 1, 2016
Facilitating the participation of Black Sea countries in Brokerage Events

The Black Sea Horizon project, coordinated by Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI) has developed a grant scheme to financially support the participation of local researchers from Black Sea countries in ...

"Administration of research funding: dealing with several funding sources", Vienna, September 27-29

ZSI is organising a BESTPRAC Training School on "Administration of research funding: dealing with several funding sources (for non-university research organisations in inclusiveness targeted countries...

Eine aktuelle Analyse des ZSI-Experten August Gächter in der Tageszeitung DerStandard

Österreich leidet unter den Nachwirkungen der 2008 ausgebrochenen Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise. So viel ist den meisten Menschen bewusst. Die Zahl der Arbeitslosigkeit wächst schließlich seit Jahren, ...

Interested in fighting air pollution and in citizen science? Check our new project website

Just in time for Europe's biggest Citizen Science Conference ECSA 2016 the project website for CAPTOR was launched. In CAPTOR citizens and scientists collaborate closely to monitor and address ozone...

Globalisiert, aber auf nationalem Sockel: Was treibt, was hemmt die Internationalisierung der Forschung

Am:     Montag, 23. Mai 2016 Um:      18.00 Uhr Im:        Reitersaal der OeKB, Strauchgasse 3, 1010 Wien   ...

am 26-28 September 2016, in Brüssel

Wir freuen uns den bevorstehenden Launch-Event des H2020 Projektes Social  Innovation Community (SIC), ein "Netzwerk von Netzwerken im Bereich von Sozialen Innovationen " bekannt zu geben. SIC...

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