Analysis of Austria-China Co-publications 2013-2018
The ZSI was tasked by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science, and Research (BMBWF) to conduct an analysis of scientific works jointly co-authored by Austrian and Chinese organisations between 2013 and 2018.
The study looked into overall publication patterns in terms of Austria's publications, international co-publications, and co-publications with China. Using the Science Metrix Ontology, it further looked into co-publication activities in research fields. Lastly, the study examined in more detail the organisations that are most visible in the Austria-China co-publications.
The full report (in German) is available on Zenodo (open access), as is the English executive summary.
To make it possible for interested parties to better understand the results and explore those that did not find their way into the written report, the project team has created an interactive online visualisation that is available here.
- DI Dietmar Lampert (Projektleitung)
- Utku B. Demir, BA
- Markus Otter, MSc
- DI Stefan Philipp
Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung
Förderer & Auftraggeber:
Verwandte Artikel:
Tags: Austria, China, co-publication analysis, international cooperation, research cooperation, visualisation
Typ: Forschung
Projekt Status: Abgeschlossen
Von/Bis: 12/2019 - 04/2020
Laufzeit: 5 Monate