The three main objectives of the BLACK SEA HORIZON were:
- to support the EU’s external relations with the target region by significantly contributing to ongoing bi-regional and regional STI policy dialogues, and by increasing the knowledge base about the EU’s external environment.
- to stimulate bi-regional STI cooperation and to strengthen the EU’s economic competitiveness.
- to contribute to the establishment of supportive framework conditions by facilitating the pooling of resources and by identifying challenging thematic areas for mutual STI cooperation.
The BSH project, like most of the INCO actions, had a dual objective: it contributed to the policy dialogue between the EU and the target regions, and implemented a series of concrete activities to address the specific goals set in the call for proposals. These two objectives were implemented in parallel, with the policy dialogue level providing guidance, support, and endorsement of the project’s results, and with the operational level feeding the policy dialogue with analytical evidence and implementing the recommendations.
In terms of policy dialogue, BSH aimed to address all the relevant policy dialogue fora from the beginning of the project in order to establish a two-way communication: to inform the policy makers about the objectives, results, and achievements of the project and, vice-versa, to receive guidance and support for a successful implementation and/or follow-up of its actions.
In terms of concrete actions (the ‘operational level’), the project implemented a series of activities requested by the call (and beyond):
- BSH promoted the participation in HORIZON 2020 (identification of topics for cooperation, implementing grants to increase networking, promoting participation in co-fund schemes, etc.);
- BSH promoted innovation (cluster policies, business contacts among clusters, other forms of innovation).
The above actions were implemented in a synergetic and complementary way with the IncoNet EaP project, which also addressed the broad goal of cooperation in HORIZON 2020 and innovation.
Moreover, BSH built on the achievements of the BS-ERANET that successfully launched a joint call in the region, by paving the ground for a Regional Funding Platform able to sustainably implement joint research funding activities in the Black Sea region.
Ultimately, and as a result and synthesis of all its activities and achievements, the BSH project developed a sustainable “EU-Black Sea Cooperation Programme in STI (BSCP)” supported by the afore-mentioned policy dialogues. In that respect, the project constituted a good practice example, and contributed towards the direction of an ‘EU Strategy for the Black Sea region’.
The partnership consisted of 19 partners also involved in other cooperation and support actions targeting the countries covered by BSH, a fact that stimulated cooperation and synergies with the parallel running initiatives and projects.
- DI Martin Felix Gajdusek (Projektleitung)
- Mag. Ines Marinkovic (Projektleitung)
- Ing. Bernhard Bauch
- Ing. Gabriela Cikikyan, MA
- Ingmar Karner
- Magª. Johanna Scheck
- Mag. Dr. Klaus Schuch
Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung
- Academy of Sciences of Moldova - Centre of International Projects
- Applied Research and Communications Fund
- Association European Studies for Innovative Development of Georgia
- Centre for Regional and International STI Studies and Support - CeRISS
- Higher School of Economics
- Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences Ukraine (NASU)
- Institute of Fundamental Technological Research Polish Academy of Sciences
- International Centre for Black Sea Studies
- National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia
- Project Management Agency at the DLR (German Aerospace Center)
- Regional Centre for Information and Scientific Development Ltd
- Russian Foundation for Basic Research
- Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan
- Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation
- Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovacao - Consultadoria Empresarial e Fomento da Inovacao S.A.
- TUBITAK Scientific and Technologcial Research Council of Turkey
- Romanian Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding
Verwandte Artikel:
- News: ZSI one of 27 Austrian coordinators so far in Horizon 2020
- News: BLACK SEA HORIZON - Successful project start!
- News: Black Sea ERA-NET Project Review Workshop, Bucharest
- News: Black Sea ERA-NET Reflection Group Meeting, Ankara
- News: Regional Peer Review Database: Enhancing capacities in the Black Sea Region
- News: Newsletter on International Cooperation Activities published
- News: BLACK SEA HORIZON is organising three Webinars related to Horizon 2020 next week
- News: First BLACK SEA HORIZON Newsletter just published.
- News: Identification of Pertinent Topics for RTI Cooperation
- News: Newsletter on International Cooperation Activities published
- News: Black Sea Horizon project just published its first Policy Brief
- News: [Black Sea Horizon Event Review] “The Future of Agriculture"
- Publikation: BSH Policy Brief #1 on obstacles, drivers and opportunities to enhance EU-Black Sea STI cooperation
- News: Identification of Pertinent Topics for RTI Cooperation in/with Black Sea Region
- News: [Call for application] Black Sea Horizon Grant Scheme. Deadline: July 1, 2016
- Publikation: “Policy brief on thematic patterns of cross-border S&T cooperation based on co-publication and co-patent analysis” [BSH Policy Brief #2]
- News: International cooperation discussed with European Research Managers
- News: Upcoming Black Sea Horizon Webinars
- News: Save the date: Black Sea Horizon international conference, May 8, 2017
- Veranstaltung: Clusters Manager Workshop
- News: EU- Black Sea Cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation
- News: Black Sea Horzon Workshop on the Black Sea Cooperation Programme
- News: BLACK SEA HORIZON - CORDIS Results in Brief
Tags: Black Sea countries, Eastern Partnership countries, Russia, South Caucasus
Typ: Netzwerk
Programm: HORIZON2020
Einreichdatum: 04/2014
Projekt Status: Abgeschlossen
Von/Bis: 01/2015 - 01/2018
Laufzeit: 37 Monate