The Open Future of Product Creation
13. Mai 2022
Between 2019-2022, the OPEN!NEXT project will set out to challenge and fundamentally change the future of product creation by making open source hardware (OSH) development more accessible to a larger number of companies across Europe. We will do so by leveraging the skills, know-how and interconnectivity embedded in the DNA of Europe’s maker communities to lay the foundation for a future OSH ecosystem. In June 2022, the remainder of 18 Small to Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) will conclude their open source hardware journey with OPENNEXT.
Join us in Berlin, as we demonstrate the projects and products developed, ranging from autonomous vehicles to a pocket-size science lab. Take part in a lively discussion together with a rich panel of engineers, researchers, makers, designers, entrepreneurs and open-minded human beings. Learn how far we’ve come - and where OSH is headed next.
NB: This event is free to attend.
Program TBA: Whilst we encourage you to join all parts of the program, it is also possible to drop in and out depending on your interest and availability.
June 29th, 2022
13:00 - 17:00
Campus TU Berlin
Hauptgebäude Straße
10623 Berlin
Building H
Room H2035 & Room H2036