
European Citizen Science Association - New Board

30. Nov 2020

Dr. Barbara Kieslinger is a member of the ESCA Board of Directors

The European Citizen Science Assication - ECSA recently elected a new executive board. Dr Susanne Hecker is the new ECSA chair, and Enrico M. Balli is the new vice-chair.

Dr. Barbara Kieslinger from ZSI has been elected a member of the board of directors! Together with Gitte Kragh, Martin Brocklehurst, Rosa Arias, Dr. Susanne Tönsmann and Jaume Piera the new board will support the chair and vice-chair in their ambition to strengthen Citizen Science as an open and incluse approach that contributes to an increase in the social relevance and sustainable impact of research.

We want to stress our strong support for Citizen Science in Europe and worldwide. Let's continue the great work of ECSA!

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