First Forum Meeting: Enhancing the Effectiveness of Partnerships, Vienna, 26-27 April 2005
4. Mai 2005
The Forum on Partnerships and Local Governance has been created to promote an integrated approach to local development and support area-based partnerships in optimising their contribution to local governance and the effectiveness of policies. This international network of partnerships seeks to overcome weaknesses of partnerships by ensuring that partnerships learn effectively from each other and that local development practitioners and policy makers at all levels learn the lessons from the partnership experience.
This event will be a unique opportunity to re-assess todays need for partnerships, debate on best ways for government, business and civil society to work in partnership in practice, exchange know-how and experiences of existing partnerships and discuss the main innovations in funding partnerships. Participants from OECD members and non-members countries are welcome, including: a)partnership practitioners and managers b) partnership members from government, business and civil society c) national co-ordinators of partnerships d) policy-makers e) academics
To participate, please return the registration form below to or fax: +43/1/495044240 by 28 February 2005 at latest. If the number of received registrations exceeds the number of places available, the organisers reserve the right to make a final selection based on a geographical balance. Your participation will be confirmed by beginning of March 2005, a detailed programme will be included.
For further information, please contact:
Ms. Jana Machacova
OECD LEED Forum at ZSI (Centre for Social Innovation)
A - 1150 Wien / Vienna, Linke Wienzeile 246
Tel.: +43 / 1 / 49 50 442 - 48
Fax: +43 / 1 / 49 50 442 - 40