
ZSI evaluates by order of the Danish Board of Technology

19. Mai 2009

ZSI evaluates the CIVISTI project. CIVISTI stands for "Citizen visions on science, technology and innovation". It is a project funded under FP7 (SSH) coordinated by the Danish Board of Technology including partners from Finland (Kuluttajatutkimuskeskus - National Consumer Research Centre), Belgium (Flemish Institute for Science and Technology Assessment), the Malta Council for Science and Technology, the Applied Research and Communications Fund from Bulgaria, the Medián Opinion and Market Research Ltd. from Hungary and the Austrian Academy of Sciences.

ZSI evaluates CIVISTI's citizen's consultation processes in terms of the relevance and effectiveness of processes of gaining and transferability of information and insights from citizens towards experts and vice versa.

More information about CIVISTI can be found under: ZSI-projects and under SSH projects.