
Kick off: The BILAT-RUS-Advanced Project

11. Okt 2012

Advancement of the Bilateral Partnership in Scientific Research and Innovation with the Russian Federation

The project -- ZSI is one of the partners --  will start with a kick-off meeting in Moscow in November 2012. 

The overall strategy of the project puts the three main issues of the Capacities work programme into practice. It aims to:

  • Provide input for the EU-Commission on the state of EU-Russian STI cooperation;
  • Contribute to coordination of the research policies and programmes of European Member States, Associated Countries and the EU-Commission;
  • Enhance information collection and dissemination as regards STI between Russia and the EU;
  • Raise awareness of researchers in Russia and the EU for cooperation potentials;
  • Monitor the existing STI cooperation praxis and facilitate the implementation of a sustainable cooperation support system;
  • Analyse the Russian innovation system and provide support for enhanced implementation of R&D results;
  • Deliver a feasibility study for a common representation of European scientific institutions in Russia.

ZSI was also a partner in the project BILAT-RUS (, a predecessor of the BILAT-RUS-Advanced.

The BILAT-RUS-Advanced supports the dialogue and the coordination of activities between Russian and European authorities, addressing mainly the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (MON), responsible Ministries/Agencies in EU Member States and the EU Commission.

ZSI Project Team: Manfred Spiesberger (, Klaus Schuch (, Gorazd Weiss (

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Tags: European Research Area, research cooperation, RTDI cooperation, Russia

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