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In diesem Online-Kurs lernen Sie, wie Sie junge Lernende darin unterstützen können, eine kreative und innovative Denkweise zu entwickeln, um soziale Probleme zu lösen. Sie werden von praktischen und effektiven...

MOOC-based Learning Campaign and International Competition with prize money is about to start

With the release of new tools, the EU-funded Interreg project “Finance for Social Change” (F4SC) will soon enter a new and crucial phase: The #AirMOOC & #AirCompetition (AIR: Accelerating Investment...

Das Projekt DanubeChance 2.0 hat drei hilfreiche Instrumente entwickelt

DanubeChance2.0 zielt darauf ab, politische und rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen sowie Unterstützungsangebote im Bereich des „Second Chance" Unternehmertums zu verbessern. Dies umfasst einerseits die...

PLOTINA Final Conference

PLOTINA Final Conference Book of Abstracts e-book This E-book is a result of the H2020 PLOTINA project Final Conference, ReGendering Science. For an inclusive research environment, held in the ...

Lessons (to be) learnt from living with Covid-19 (#9)

by Klaus Schuch It is true: the virus can just hit us all - the youth in the Moria refugee camp as well as the Prime Minister on Downing Street, but the crisis triggered by the virus is by no means...

New publication of the H2020 Policy Support Facility with ZSI expert Bruno Lindorfer

The Horizon 2020 Policy Support Facility (PSF) is an instrument aimed at supporting Member States and countries associated to Horizon 2020 to improve the design, implementation and evaluation of their...

Towards improving the social impact investment market in the Danube region
The Interreg-project Finance4SocialChange is co-financed by European funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI).

Vienna  – The ongoing EU-funded Interreg project “Finance for Social Change” (F4SC) reveals new insights into the social impact investment market of the Danube region. Project member Helmut Gassler...

Lessons (to be) learnt from living with Covid-19 (#8)

by Christian Voigt  These days, the old saying ‘Cobbler, stick to your last!’, applies less and less.  Many people are forced to abandon their usual ‘models of work’ and try out new ways ...

International R&I cooperation policies revisited: sustained challenges and new developments

The Final Report of the Mutual Learning Exercise on ‘National Strategies and Roadmaps for International Cooperation in R&I’ summarises findings from the workshops, discussions and thematic input papers...

Das DOIT Projekt ruft zu einer Online-Petition zur Förderung einer sozialen und unternehmerischen Jugend auf

Ein engagierterer und praxisorientierterer Ansatz ist erforderlich, um junge Lernende mit der Denkweise und den Fähigkeiten auszustatten, die innovative Bürger benötigen. Wir empfehlen: die Förderung ...

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