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MEDIENECHO 26. Apr 2023
Strengthening public trust in science
Strengthening public trust in science
EU-funded project seeks to restore trust in science amidst rising scepticism

Funded by the European Commission under Horizon Europe, the VERITY project, in which ZSI seeks to increase trust in science and innovation by developing a set of guidelines to increase trust in science...

Kurzanalysen und Forschungsergebnisse für alle
Zwischenräume ist ein Projekt der Plattform für Nachhaltige Entwicklung an der Universität für Weiterbildung Krems.

  Wir sind davon überzeugt, dass Wissenschaft nie alleine steht, sondern sich immer in der Gesellschaft spiegelt und daher auch in deren Dienst und mit ihr gemeinsam entstehen soll. ...

Call for Associated Regions to participate in the DANUBE4all project.
DANUBE4all supports public authorities to develope roadmaps, plans, and projects to restore freshwater ecosystems

By promoting the improvement of ecological status, biodiversity, and ecosystem connectivity through the development and implementation of innovative Win-Win Nature Based Solutions, DANUBE4all aims to ...

Study on social innovation in research
A ZSI study commissioned by the Swiss National Science Foundation

Scientists are not only interested in theoretical questions, they also want to find solutions to society’s problems. This is shown by a study on the effects of SNSF-funded research. Distributing refugees...

Community Energy Academy: A training programme launches in April 2023!
How can we co-create sustainable energy solutions with local communities and citizens?

What is energy citizenship and how does it change the way we think about energy? How can we mainstream energy communities to speed up energy transition? Join the Community Energy Academy launching in ...

1 year mAkE project: supporting smart production and cooperation between European and African Digital Innovative Hubs.

mAkE is a European Horizon 2020 project focusing on hardware-focused Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs), including makerspaces, as key drivers for local digital innovation in Africa and Europe.  ...

New solutions for vulnerable groups´ participation in the EU Green Deal! Natural disasters/Biodiversity and Nature

The ZSI will host the next Open Studio event in Vienna organized within the ACCTING project. ACCTING´s main aim as a Horizon2020 project is to explore conditions and relate in eight research lines to ...

Social startup program - applications welcome
The largest Europe-wide social startup program opens up!

In a consortium with European partners and supported by the EU, Silicon Vilstal is now launching the largest Europe-wide program for socialtech startups with €1.4 million equity-free financial support...

The European research cluster on China met in Brussels
ReConnect China and DWARC delivering results to the EC

On February 27, the two Horizon Europe projects dealing with China, ReConnect China and DWARC, met in Brussels for the 1st China cluster meeting. This format, which brings together Europe's leading research...

Launch of the newly established Organization of Kosovan-Austrian Alumni (OKAA)
HERAS+ Project supported the official launch ceremony of OKAA

The HERAS+ project, funded by the Austrian Development Agency, supported the official ceremony of launching the newly established Organization of Kosovan-Austrian Alumni (OKAA). We are happy...

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