
Social and Cultural Dimensions of Innovation in Knowledge Societies

Social and cultural dimensions of innovations attract growing attention

Bereich: Management & projektübergreifende Tätigkeiten

Jiří Loudin and Josef Hochgerner, Social and Cultural Dimensions of Innovation in Knowledge Societies. Prague: Filosofia.

The ambition of the authors of individual contributions was to demonstrate sensitivity and openness towards new moments of innovation reality and research, and at the same time to show an allegiance to the Central-European tradition of social thought, which was always characterized by great theoretical erudition.

Whether this ambition succeeded can be judged on the basis on the texts, divided into three basic sections:

  • the first one deals with the ways society and social and cultural processes infl uence and form innovation activities;
  • the second one analyzes the ways innovations aff ect society;
  • the third section tackles current problems of international cooperation and the
  • cultural innovation transfer.

The book was conceived within a project of international cooperation of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, “Transition from imitation to innovation as social and cultural process”. Collaborating partners were the Centre for Science, Technology and Society Studies at the Institute of Philosophy (AS CR) in Prague and the Centre for Social Innovation in Vienna.

Josef Hochgerner, Jiří Loudín (eds.): Social and Cultural Dimensions of Innovation in Knowledge Societies. Filosofia, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 2011. with contributions from Gerhard Banse, Lucia Belyová, Balázs Borsi, Elke Dall, Alexander Degelsegger, Adolf Filáček, Josef Hochgerner, Alexander Kesselring, Petr Machleidt, Jan Maršálek, Karel Mráček, Jakub Pechlát, Klaus Schuch and Isabella Wagner.


AutorInnen: Josef Hochgerner, Jiří Loudín (editors); Lucia Belyová and Gerhard Banse, Adolf Filáček, Alexander Degelsegger and Alexander Kesselring, Jan Maršálek, Petr Machleidt, Klaus Schuch and Isabella Wagner ...

Tags: knowledge society, research and innovation policy, social innovation

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Kategorie: Bücher

Publikations Datum: 2011

Bezug: Nur Buchhandel