
Science and Technology in the Western Balkans

Information Office of the Steering Platform on Research for the WBC

Elke Dall (ed.), 2008:
Science and Technology in the Western Balkans. Reports of the Information Office of the Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries.
Barrister & Principal, Brno (April 2008)
ISBN 978-3-200-01190-8

This publication is part of the successful completion of the project, co-funded by the 6th Framework Programme for RTD of the EC, aimed ad advancing the policy dialogue on S&T between the EU and the Western Balkan countries.

Further info on the project is available at

News as regards the co-ordination of research policies with the Western Balkan countries on

AutorInnen: Dall, E., Schuch, K., Bracic Maruska

Tags: Balkan

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Kategorie: Bücher

Publikations Datum: 2008-06

Preis: 6 (handling charge for the print version)

Bezug: Nur ZSI