Typ: Forschung
Programm: European Commission, Horizon 2020
Von/Bis: 02/2015 - 09/2018
The project objective was to deliver a system of assessment for (policy) commitments associated with the Europe 2020 objectives aimed at stimulating innovation
Typ: Beratung
Programm: ISF
Von/Bis: 11/2018 - 12/2020
The Service Facility in Support of the Strategic Development of International Cooperation in Research and Innovation establishes a Central Asian Regional Water Stakeholder Platform
Typ: Netzwerk
Programm: Service Facility for International Cooperation | Horizon 2020
Von/Bis: 07/2017 - 01/2020
Communication Activities for International Cooperation as part of the Service Facility for International Cooperation
Typ: Forschung
Programm: Horizon2020, ISF
Von/Bis: 04/2020 - 11/2020
Preparing association to Horizon Europe
Typ: Beratung
Programm: INT Service Facility
Von/Bis: 09/2017 - 06/2021
The objective of this contract is to provide support for the EU-Canada Programme Level Cooperation Task Force
Typ: Forschung
Programm: International Service Facility of the European Commission
Von/Bis: 07/2020 - 08/2021
Options for shaping the future

Typ: Netzwerk
Programm: Service Facility for International Cooperation under H2020
Von/Bis: 08/2019 - 08/2021
This service is part of the International Service Facility and manages the administration, communication and promotion of the SEA-EU JFS phase 2

Typ: Netzwerk
Programm: Service Facility for International Cooperation under H2020
Von/Bis: 07/2017 - 06/2019
This service was part of the International Service Facility and manages the administration, communication and promotion of the EU-ASEAN JFS
Typ: Netzwerk
Programm: Service Facility for International Cooperation | Horizon 2020
Von/Bis: 05/2017 - 12/2019
Service Facility in Support of the Strategic Development of International Cooperation in Research and Innovation - with a focus on cooperation with the Western Balkans
Typ: Beratung
Von/Bis: 09/2019 - 09/2021
Continuous support to the Steering Platform on R&I for Western Balkan countries
Typ: Beratung
Von/Bis: 01/2019 - 12/2021
The goal is to integrate National Contact Points (NCPs) from EU Partner Countries into the activities and events available to their counterparts in EU MS/AC to Horizon 2020
Typ: Beratung
Programm: ISF
Von/Bis: 09/2018 - 02/2020
Ensuring high quality of the EU-LAC research infrastructures working group
Typ: Beratung
Von/Bis: 07/2020 - 09/2021
R&I Knowledge Network on China that connects European networks, centres, and experts

Typ: Netzwerk
Programm: FP7
Von/Bis: 09/2013 - 02/2017
BILAT with Japan
Typ: Forschung
Programm: Jugend Innovativ
Von/Bis: 12/2006 - 06/2007
Jugend Innovativ

Typ: Forschung
Programm: Life Long Learning Programme
Von/Bis: 05/2014 - 08/2017
Social experimentation aiming at preventing early school leaving (ESL)
Typ: Beratung
Programm: EuropeAid
Von/Bis: 09/2009 - 08/2010
Kapazitätsaufbau in BiH
Typ: Forschung
Von/Bis: 10/2013 - 05/2014
Schlüsselkompetenzen von Erwachsenen in Österreich.
Typ: Beratung
Von/Bis: 11/2020 - 06/2021
Ausschreibungsmanagement des renommierten Klaus J. Jacobs Research Prize
Typ: Beratung
Von/Bis: 11/2022 - 06/2023
Ausschreibungsmanagement des renommierten Klaus J. Jacobs Research Prize