Akronym: CIHEAM
CIHEAM Bari is a Centre for post-graduate training, applied scientific research and design of in loco partnership actions within the framework of international research and cooperation programmes.
The Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari and the Institute of Montpellier were the first to be established by CIHEAM.
CIHEAM Bari enjoys the privileges of extra-territoriality granted to international organisations by the Republic of Italy through the Establishment agreement signed to the Italian Government in 1962, ratified in Italy with law N. 932 of 13 July 1965 and with the supplementary protocol to the Agreement ratified with law N. 159 of 26 May 2000.
Via Ceglie 9
70010 Bari
- MSCAdvocacy - International Advocacy for the Strategic Alignment of MSCA Cooperation Mechanisms in Key Partner Countries and Regions
- CommContract - ISF Communication Activities for International Cooperation
- GSF - Service Facility in Support of the Global Approach of Research and Innovation