
Society for Development of Scientific Cooperation (Tajikistan)

National Information Point host organisation in Tajikistan

Akronym: SODESCO

The Society for Development of Scientific Cooperation (SODESCO) is the Tajikistan’s NIP for EU Framework Programmes and was established in 2004. Tajikistan’s NIP is a non-governmental institution of importance for the successful development of the Republic of Tajikistan, its science and education as the Seventh European Community Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration 2007-2013. The Tajikistan NIP for EU Framework Programmes works in the following directions such as: - Informing and awareness raising about ERA, FP6 and international S&T co-operation: • Circulating general and specific documentation about the European Community’s RTD programmes, in particular FP7, including the aims, conditions for participation, possibilities and conditions for submission of proposals and for joining already established project consortia. • Organizing promotional activities such as info-days, seminars conferences, newsletters websites, fairs, etc., • Enhancing knowledge transfer in research fields targeted by FP7. • Explaining the scope and modalities of all relevant programmes and instruments of FP7. • Elucidating administrative procedures and contractual issues (e.g. role & responsibilities of participants in a consortium, reimbursement rules rights & obligations of contractors, respect of ethical principles, intellectual property rights, etc.) • Raising awareness about the European Community objectives of increasing the participation of women in the Framework Programme and of strengthening the link between science and ethics and between science and civil society. • Increasing international contacts and collaborations with RTD organizations EU member states and FP6-associated countries in particular through brokerage events or through advertising its own country’s S&T capacities internationally for instance by means of internetaccessible databases of relevant domestic RTD units. - Advice, assistance and training: • Assisting in partner search activities notably by creating internet accessible databases of R&D organizations disseminating FP7 and other relevant calls for expressions of interest and calls for proposals and using and encouraging the use of tools such as the CORDIS server. • Assisting organizations with a view to facilitating their participation in FP7 • Organizing training sessions on EU RTD programmes for national and local intermediaries and information multipliers to ensure comprehensive outreach and good quality of advice. • Informing relevant domestic S&T stakeholders including S&T policy makers of the principles of FP7 for instance with regard to co-funding of projects. • Organizing training seminars for specific target groups (SMEs, industry, universities, professional organizations, women in science, etc.) or on specific topics (FP7 contractual aspects, modalities for participation, research areas covered by specific FP7 programmes, ethical principles, etc.) • Advising participants of consortia in FP7 instruments on setting up appropriate management structure. • Where appropriate, assisting in European Commission in assuring transparency and equal access to call for new partners in on-going instruments. - Sign-posting: • Informing the European Commission about planned NIP activities and events for which the contribution or participation of European Commission staff would be desirable or necessary. • Giving NIS researchers information about relevant regulatory, legislative and cultural differences impacting on international S&T cooperation. • Providing feedback to the European Commission on any problems and difficulties encountered by NIS organizations in participating in the Framework Programmes or other European Community RTD instruments.



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