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Virtual Social Labs - A guide for digital co-creation processes
Welcome to the world of social labs, where innovation meets collaboration and real world problem solving.

This guidebook is designed to support researchers who are interested in implementing Social Labs, drawing inspiration from the FoodSafety4EU project. Whether you are working in food safety or any other...

ReConnect China marks one-year milestone and hosts public roundtable in Vienna
A meaningful dialogue on the complexities of EU-China relations

ReConnect China, a Horizon Europe funded project aiming to generate independent knowledge for a resilient future with China for Europe and its citizens, marked its one-year milestone hosting a momentous...

Integrations- und Diversitätsmonitor 2023
Daten und Fakten zu Migration, Integration und Diversität in Wien

  Seit dem Jahr 2007 werden mit dem Integrations- und Diversitätsmonitoring der Stadt Wien die Veränderungen innerhalb der Wiener Einwanderungsgesellschaft sichtbar gemacht. Der 6. Wiener Integrations...

Takeaways from the MSCA Staff Exchanges event
A successful POLICY ANSWERS and MSCAdvocacy collaboration.

Let us share all the useful information regarding this Regional Awareness Raising Event, which was organised as a collaboration of the POLICY ANSWERS and MSCAdvocacy projects on 6 November 2023 ...

Approach, successes, experiences, and policy perspectives of the AI Living Lab

Event: IntelComp Living Lab AI - Final Event Date & time: Nov. 27, 2023; 09:30-11:30 Where: online or in-person (FECYT - C/ Pintor Murillo, 15; 28100 Alcobendas-Madrid) Registeration: https...

New ReConnect China Podcast on EU-China STI cooperation in digital technologies
ZSI researchers speak about their recent analysis

In this episode of the ReConnect podcast University of Turku researcher Outi Luova interviews Gábor Szüdi and Philipp Brugner from ZSI on their project report and two related policy briefs recently published...

Gender and inclusiveness: peer learning among projects
Exchange in the Western Balkans: POLICY ANSWERS event involving WBC-RRI.NET

The POLICY ANSWERS project organised a peer learning event and our colleague from University of Banja Luka, Andjela Pepic, brought in lessons learnt from the WBC-RRI.NET project. Gender equality is...

Kick-off of the new INHERIT project, new technologies to boost cultural heritage
Social Innovation and multi-stakeholder approaches respecting the value and particularities of CH by ZSI

The new INHERIT project (Horizon Europe) was launched on 2-3 November 2023 in Athens, aimed at promoting energy and resource efficiency, sustainability, and inclusiveness of historic buildings. The project...

MSCA Staff Exchanges: Opportunities for researchers from the Western Balkans
Regional Awareness Raising Event on MSCA Staff Exchange Scheme for the Western Balkans

SAVE-THE-DATE: A dedicated Regional Awareness Raising Event MSCA Staff Exchange Scheme for the Western Balkans is organised by the MSCAdvocacy and POLICY ANSWERS projects on 6 November 2023 at 14.00 - ...

Gábor Szüdi presents the results of the TRESCA and VERITY projects at a Budapest conference

ZSI researcher Gábor Szüdi presented the final outcomes of the Horizon 2020 project TRESCA and the preliminary results of the Horizon Europe project VERITY at an international conference organised by ...

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