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Citizens and end-users are more underrepresented than expected in participatory processes, shows new PRO-Ethics report.

"We were surprised by the clear underrepresentation of citizens when it comes to the inclusion of non-traditional stakeholders in RFO activities," says Kalli Giannelos, researcher at SciencesPo in Paris...

European Citizen Science Association - New Board
Dr. Barbara Kieslinger is a member of the ESCA Board of Directors

The European Citizen Science Assication - ECSA recently elected a new executive board. Dr Susanne Hecker is the new ECSA chair, and Enrico M. Balli is the new vice-chair. Dr. Barbara Kieslinger from...

„Kümmerer“ als Schlüsselfigur für die Energiewende am Land
Unter diesem Titel berichtete die Tageszeitung „Die Presse“ am 14. November über die Ergebnisse des Projekts Plaisir

Das Forschungsprojekt PLAISIR untersuchte soziale Innovationen in der regionalen Energieplanung. In den Regionen Murau, Hermagor und Südburgenland haben das ZSI und die TU Wien nach Erfolgsfaktoren für...

On November 17th the ENTRANCES project joined a clustering workshop on Coal and Carbon regions in transition.

On November 17th, several partners of the ENTRANCES project (ENergy TRANsitions from Coal and carbon: Effects on Societies), funded under the EU Horizon 2020 program, participated in a clustering workshop...

The ENTRANCES team is pleased to invite you to subscribe to its brand-new newsletter!

The ENTRANCES project releases its first newsletter! ENTRANCES stands for ENergy TRANsitions from Coal and carbon: Effects on Societies. The project focuses on Clean Energy Transition in Coal &...

HERAS+ Call for proposals for Research Grants open
The call for proposals is open from 25/11/2020 to 25/02/2021

The ZSI and the Ministry of Education and Science (MES) of Kosovo launch together a call for scientific networking and project cooperation between researchers from public universities and universities...

Man wurde von der Corona-Krise überrumpelt

Es braucht dringend einen geregelten Zugang zu Daten für die unabhängige Forschung, sagt die Open-Science-Expertin Katja mayer. nur so könnten Krisen wie die Pandemie gut bewältigt werden. Klicken ...

Das europäische Projekt TRESCA in DiePRESSE:
"Fake News und Verschwörungs­theorien: Wer traut da (noch) wem?"

Erschienen in der Print- und Onlineausgabe von diePresse am Sonntag, 22.November 2020: "Wiener Forscher erkunden in einem EU-Projekt die Schnittstellen zwischen Medien, Politik, Publikum und Wissenschaften...

Der STANDARD interviewt Katja Mayer

  Diplomatie und Wissenschaft: Vertrauen als Gegenmittel zu Fake-News Ein EU-Forschungsprojekt untersucht, wie Wissenschaft und Diplomatie einander bei Epidemien positiv beeinflussen. Lesen...

The BLOOM project is inviting to its closing exhibition on the 9th of December 2020

This online event will provide us with an interactive opportunity to offer many insights into the BLOOM project, learnings and results, and the impact that BLOOM has had and will have.Participants will...

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