News Filter
7. Sep 2022
Call for papers!
Call for papers!
on labour market effects and social impact of technological transformation, globalisation and demographic change

Through 10 September the UNTANGLED project is accepting papers and extended abstracts for our first conference, Labour market effects and social impact of technological transformation, globalisation...

Second call for projects EU-African Union on renewable energy still open!
LEAP-RE call open until 23 September

The Long-term Europe-Africa Partnership on Renewable Energy (LEAP-RE) programme co-funded by the European Union (EU) under Horizon 2020 aims to increase the use of renewable energy...

The Lost Millennials project is online!
We've set our digital print!...and about time as well

Although the work in all projects start even before they officially kick-off, at the proposals' stage, in many cases, the efforts tend to remain "unseen" at least until the project's has set its digital...

Citizen Science training materials online
Step Change releases its open educational resources designed to support citizen science initiatives

Developed by ZSI on behalf of the Step Change project, the document is a ready to use compilation of training materials dedicated to support citizen science initiatives. This output of the Step Change...

Reducing school dropout: Good practice from Malta
From 2005 to 2021 Malta managed to slash early school leaving rates to a did they do this?

...Eszter Kósa from Binda consulting international, one of the project partners in the Lost Millenials project, explained this in an article that was published in issue 19 of the Youth Employment Magazine...

Join the 4th Untangled Open Virtual Expert Café!
We talk about digitalisation, globalisation, migration, work, employment, skills, and more.

The Virtual Expert Café series is an open format driven by participants’ contributions. It can be a platform for you to promote an ongoing project or research, tap into attendants’ collective intelligence...

Neuer Gastbeitrag in der Wiener Zeitung
Was kann die Europäische Politische Gemeinschaft leisten?

Dieser Gastkommentar für die Wiener Zeitung, erschienen am 11. August 2022, schlägt eine Brücke zwischen dem sicherheitspolitischen "Strategischen Kompass" und der erst kürzlich vorgestellten Idee einer...

How to bring about a social-ecological transformation? The book Degrowth & Strategies investigates possible answers

Degrowth is a counter-hegemonic movement that has the ambitious aim of transforming society towards social and ecological justice. The important yet difficult question is how to get there. That is the...

11. Jul 2022
We proudly present!
We proudly present!
Videos produced by young adults on their attitudes towards climate change

Please check out our videos, which were produced by Viennese teenagers to demonstrate their views and opinions on climate change: Video 1: Megacart & climate Video 2: Here and now and the bees...

AU-EU Collaborative Research and Innovation projects on Renewable Energy
African and European organisations launching 2nd call for proposals in the LEAP-RE project

The Long-term Europe-Africa Partnership on Renewable Energy (LEAP-RE) programme co-funded by the European Union (EU) under Horizon 2020 aims to increase the use of renewable energy...

Call for papers for conference co-organised by ZSI
Labour market effects and social impact of technological transformation, globalisation and demographic change

The UNTANGLED project will host a one-day conference in Brussels on November 9, 2022, addressing the impacts on (EU) labour markets – including skills demand and supply, job quality and working conditions...

Der SEED-Hub Newsletter Nr. 4 steht zum Download bereit!
Aktivitäten zur Stärkung sozialer Unternehmen & Social Entrepreneurs in der Grenzregion SK/AT!

Das SEED-Hub Projekt bot in den vergangenen Monaten und Wochen viele Anknüpfungspunkte und Möglichkeiten zum Austausch und Knowhow-Aufbau! In dieser vierten Ausgabe erwarten Sie eine erste Vorschau auf...

Presentation at the Parliament
MPs discuss the Austrian Research and Technology Report

Today, the latest Research and Technology Report 2022 on the status and development of the Austrian RTI system was discussed in the parliamentary Committee for Research, Innovation and Digitalisation. ...

ZSI-coordinated POLICY ANSWERS project supports high-level policy dialogue
Ministerial Meeting of the Western Balkans Platforms on Culture, Research and Innovation, Education and Training

On June 27-28, the Ministerial Meeting of the Western Balkans Platforms on Culture, Research and Innovation, Education and Training was held in Tirana, Albania. ZSI was deeply involved in the preparation...

Celebration of final results of the TAAFE project
A participatory governance model for developing age-friendly environments in practice

"Nothing about us without us!" (AGE Platform Europe) The TAAFE project (funded under Interreg Alpine Space) celebrated its final results in June 2022 in Treviso and Feldbach. The TAAFE model - a...

Impact Assessment in Citizen Science
international forum on impact assessment in Citizen Science

On 5th July the MICS, CoAct and ACTION projects are co-hosting a forum on impact assessment in citizen science. This will be an opportunity to explore current frameworks, methods and tools...

Besuch des Prager Stadtrats
Der Prager Stadtrat und sein Team besuchten am 21.06.2022 das ZSI

Am 21. Juni kam der Prager Stadtrat, Herr Vít Šimral mit Vertreterinnen der Stadtregierung, zu Besuch ans ZSI. Vít Šimral ist u.a. für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Innovation verantwortlich. Gegenstand des...

Responsible Research and Innovation in the Western Balkans in the focus
WBC-RRI.NET and Western Balkans Info Hub launch a newsletter issue together

An exhaustive exercise of mapping good practices, interviews, descriptions of opportunities, initiatives and possibilities for cooperation on Responsible Research and Innovation in and beyond the region...

Science diplomacy in difficult times: Learning the language of Realpolitik
Interview for the 31st Newsletter of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Association

In June 2022, the newsletter was issued, co-edited by Radenka Krsmanović Whiffen, with interviews of Tim Flink, scientific advisor to the Committee of Education, Research and Technology Assessment...

The situation of 25+ NEETs in the EU: Preliminary results
25+ NEETS are often female, have low formal education, are from rural areas or have health issues & disabilities.

Back to back with the first in-person project meeting within then Lost Millenials project in Bodo (Norway), ZSI researchers Katharina Koller and Stella Wolter presented preliminary results on the situation...

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