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European MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on the challenges of the labour market

An interdisciplinary team of experts offers a free online course on the changing world of work. The course has been developed in the context of the European project EmployID and has already been successfully...

Einladung zur Konferenz: Public Engagement for Research, Practice and Policy
Exploring Policy Options for Responsible Research, Sustainability and Innovation

Diese Policy Konferenz ist eine gemeinsame Veranstaltung der Projekte 'Public Engagement Innovation for Horizon 2020 - PE2020' und 'Public Participation in Developing a Common Framework for Assessment...

This report aims to identify difficulties that hamper an active Brazilian participation in the FP7 and H2020 programms.

This report aims to identify the major barriers and difficulties that hamper a more active Brazilian participation in the European Union’s FP7 and Horizon 2020 programms. It also discusses the incentives...

The international consortia INCOBRA launched in August one of its main tool of communication

The international consortia INCOBRA launched in August one of its main tool of communication: a website to introduce the project´s objectives and expected impacts in focusing, increasing and enhancing...

Herzliche Einladung zur ersten Summer School des Social Innovation Community / SIC Projektes.

SIC steht für „Social Innovation Community“ - ein Horizon 2020 Projekt, das Netzwerke in verschiedenen Bereichen sozialer Innovation miteinander vernetzt. Im Fokus der diesjährigen Summer School steht...

Two regions in the search of the right questions and their answers

The 2nd EULAC-FOCUS partner event took place in Berlin, from 28th to 31st August 2016. Close to 50 invited guests and 30 project partners and transectorial board members took part in the meeting where...

This targeted call opens on 1 Sept. 2016 and closes on 30 Sept. 2016.

Background The main goal of the call 'EU-EaP Twinning Grants' is to identify EU and Eastern Partnership cooperation teams and to support the preparation for proposals of open and upcoming calls of ...

The launch event of Social Innovation Community
Social Innovation Community (SIC) will publicly launch with an event on 26-27 September in Brussels.

Funded by the H2020 Programme and run by a consortium of 12 leading organisations across Europe, SIC will build on the work of SIE to engage, strengthen and connect existing ...

SIC website is launching!
Welcome to the new SIC website!

This website was created for YOU! It will help you to stay connected with everything that is happening in the field of social innovation in Europe. You will ...

30. Aug 2016
Vacancy Notice
International Team Leader

For one of our projects which supports the development of higher education and research in Kosovo, World University Service – Austrian Committee (WUS Austria), as lead of a consortium consisting of WUS...

Science and Research in Western Balkans | Some recent developments
Conclusions from the 2nd Joint Science Conference and 18th Steering Platform on Research for WB

The period March - July 2016 was marked by several relevant conferences and meetings related to science and research policy in Western Balkans. The last two issues of the newsletter were ...

In Focus of WBC-RTI.INFO: Steering Platform on Research for Western Balkans
Event Review and Conclusions

18th meeting of the Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkans co-chaired by the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) and European Commission (DG Research and Innovation, ...

Open Consultation on promissing fields for cooperation in research and innovation (R&I) between Brazilian and EU actors.

The goal of the INCOBRA project is to foster cooperation in research and innovation (R&I) activities between the European Union and Brazil. We view stakeholder input as crucial to the project’s success...

Health Research & Innovation

The IncoNet Central Asia Policy Stakeholders Conference “EU – Central Asia STI cooperation in addressing Health Research & Innovation” took place in Warsaw, Poland on 16–17 May 2016. It was the third...

1st Open call for Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM) Applications by the ENRESSH COST Action. Deadline: 30/09/2016

Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM) are aimed at strengthening existing networks and fostering collaborations by facilitating the visit of other institutions by researchers. The missions shall contribute...

In Focus of WBC-RTI.INFO: Joint Science Conference (JSC-WBP) spoke with conference participants from the region about Western Balkans Process

On May 22-24, 2016, the 2nd Joint Science Conference of the Western Balkans Process (JSC-WBP) was successfully organised in Vienna. It was co-organised by the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the German...

In the frame of the final conference of the EU-funded NoGAP project, ZSI was invited to share its project experiences

On July 27, 2016, the NoGAP final conference titled "Bridging the gap between research and innovation in EU and Eastern Partnership countries (EaP)" took place in Cluj-Napoca/Romania. The NoGAP project...

First SIC Summer School on Urban Social Innovation
In collaboration with European Social Innovation 2016

SIC stands for ‘Social Innovation Community’ – a H2020 project which aims to create a network of networks in the field of Social Innovation. The focus of this year’s Summer School of the SIC project...

The IncoNet EaP Workshop on "Scientific Diaspora" was held from 30th June-1st July in Vienna.

In this 2,5-days intense workshop, the main focus was on sharing experiences and best practices on the topic of “Scientific Diaspora” in the Eastern Partnership Countries. All in all, 15 participants ...

The EU-India STI Cooperation Days with focus on Bioeconomy, 21-22 September 2016, Goa, India.

The 7th edition of the EU-India STI Cooperation Days will focus on Bioeconomy and take place on 21-22 September 2016 at the National Institute of Oceanography in Goa, India. Organised by the Indigo...

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