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HERAS High-level event: Strengthening the NCP System in Kosovo
With support of the HERAS project, Kosovo is currently setting up a NCP system for Horizon 2020

HERAS - Higher Education, Research and Applied Science in Kosovo is a project funded by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) with funds from the Austrian Development Cooperation and a co-financing by...

Call for papers for the Austrian SSH EU Council Presidency conference published!
The conference 'Impact of Social Sciences and Humanities for a European Research Agenda' asks for contributions

The objective of the conference is to bring valuation (i.e. the provision of added value through SSH and arts-based research) and impact contributions of social sciences and humanities (SSH) research ...

Bundespräsident überreicht Ehrenring an Alexander Degelsegger-Márquez
sub-auspiciis Promotion des ZSI-Bereichsleiters

In einer bewegenden Feier, bei der auch zwei Ehrendoktorate an Wissenschafter vergeben wurden, die als Kinder vor der nationalsozialistischen Politik aus Wien flüchten mussten, wurde Alexander Degelsegger...

Impact of R&I Policy-Conference: Call for Extended Abstracts published
Austrian EU Council Conference on 5-6 November 2018

Research and Innovation (R&I) policy is more than ever charged with demonstrating societal impact. If the new impact agenda of R&I policy is taken seriously, than this has several implications...

Das ZSI trauert um Klaus Zinöcker

Das ZSI allgemein und insbesondere auch als Mitglied der Österreichischen Plattform für Forschungs- und Technologiepolitikevaluierung  trauert um den ehemaligen Leiter der fteval, der die Plattform...

ZSI organises the event within the Made in Danube Project in cooperation with the University of Maribor

Event Background and Objective The Danube macro-region provides ideal framework conditions for bio-economy due to high-quality natural resources, well-known universities and a strong industrial tissue...

Made in Danube is inviting you to join its 2nd Best Practice Workshop on 23rd March 2018 in Maribor.

Event Background and Objective The Danube macro-region provides ideal framework conditions for bio-economy due to high-quality natural resources, well-known universities and a strong industrial tissue...

TAIPI project at Graphene Flagship impact workshop
Largest EU scientific projects share their way to effectively measure impact

The Graphene EU Flagship project has organised on 1 March 2018 a workshop on impact measurement at Chalmers Technical University in Göteborg. The workshop brought together the largest EU scientific projects...

Gründungsunterstützung für migrantische UnternehmerInnen
Intensive, inspirierende, interessante erste Schulungseinheit des zweiten Zyklus

Am Donnerstag und Freitag vergangener Woche, 22. und 23. Februar 2018, fand am ZSI die erste Schulungseinheit des zweiten Zyklus der Gründungsunterstützung für migrantische UnternehmerInnen des Projektes...

62. ScienceCenter Netzwerk-Treffen: Neues zur Wissenschaftsvermittlung
Das ZSI präsentierte Ende Jänner abgeschlossene und neue Projekte aus Citizen Science und der Maker Bewegung

Das 62. Netzwerktreffen, zu Gast an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Wien, widmete sich dem Thema „Neue Entwicklungen in der österreichischen Wissenschaftsvermittlung". Pamela Bartar, ZSI, präsentierte im...

PSF Latvian Research Funding System: Final Report published
The report was prepared by an expert group chaired by Dorothea Sturn

This report reviews Latvia’s existing funding allocation systems and processes and proposes improvements based on best practice, including an overall institutional/organisational structure for managing...

International Conference on Education and New Developments 2018

Conference Date and Location END 2018 will be held in Budapest, Hungary (hotel Novotel Budapest Centrum) and will occur from 23 to 25 of June, 2018. Important Dates (Last Call for Abstracts) - Abstract...

Excellence-in-ReSTI project presents project management course in Belgrade
Join the event on 1st of March 2018 and learn more about project and opportunities!

Excellence-in-ReSTI project aims to improve knowledge and skills in managing social and technological innovation projects. Its mission is to increase employability and the quality of R&D&I projects...

Social- Service and Eco Innovations Workshop held by ZSI in Slovakia
Capacities and opportunities related to social-, service-, and eco-innovations in the Bioeconomy field

ZSI – Centre for Social Innovation (Vienna) in cooperation with the Union of Slovak Clusters (UKS) organised the event to bring together representatives of higher education institutions, clusters, SMEs...

RI-LINKS2UA info day on proposal writing in Horizon 2020
"How to write a successful proposal in Horizon 2020" at National Aviation University of Ukraine

In response to the current open calls in the field of transport and aviation in Horizon 2020, the RI-LINKS2UA project organised a targeted info day at the National Aviation University (NAU) of Ukraine...

ResInfra@DR - 1st Research Infrastructure Experts Training ongoing
More than 30 participants joined the training in Sofia from 13-16 February 2018

Five experts acting as trainers and 31 participants started the first ResInfra@DR training in Sofia which is hosted by project partner ARC Fund. Participants come from 11 countries including Bulgaria, ...

Zeitungsbericht zum Projekt

Im Dezember 2017 wurde das dreijährige Projekt BLOOM begonnen. Martin Tauss verfasste Ende Jänner 2018 einen Schwerpunkt zu Bioökonomie. Auch das Projekt BLOOM wird dabei vorgestellt. Der Artikel gibt...

... to help cities and regions realise the potential of the European Pillar of Social Rights"

Brussels, 16 April 2018 - Committee of the Regions, rue Belliard 99-101, B-1000 Brussels (room JDE52) Registration now open!    Cities and regions are among the most fertile contexts for...

Consultation launch: invitation to contribute

Between January and March 2018, Social Innovation Community is running a public consultation to identify the key policy challenges that are preventing Europe’s diverse social innovation community from...

Equity, Participation, Decision Making Labs

Read in our third newsletter about the four practices that have been selected under the EP-DeM Award: EP-DeM Newsletter 3. With this award, we aimed at recognising and supporting the efforts of those ...

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